prinxiety got Patton be trippen like-

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"nnnnNNNNOOOOO!!!" A scream rang out, Roman swooping down and picking up the anxious trait. He thrashed and punched the air. "How dare you! Put me down!!" Virgil yelled, trying to pry the princes habds off of his torso.

"Nnnoo." Roman echoed, before sitting down and taking Virge with him. He was now on the floor, arms and legs wrapped around the boy who simply had surrendered. Leaning onto Roman's chest. Sometimes this happened. Roman just needed some attention, so he grabbed the nearest person. Then he put them to the floor in cuddles. It used to happen to the others alot more. Yet since they began dating it's only happened to him.

Virgil sat still for a while. He waited. This would pass. Roman would let him go in a few minutes, and go do something he usually did.

"Are you done yet?" Virgil inquiried.

Roman simply shook his head. Causing Virgil to sigh. Eventually, Virgil had fallen to sleep in the warm comfort of his boyfriends arms. Roman realized this. So, he laid the two of them down on the floor.


Patton came walking out into to room. He and a cookie in the left hand and milk in the other. Then, he tripped over the sleeping couple.

"Wha- oh my God, are you okay dad?!"

"Yep! I'm okay kiddo!"

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