Boom Crash Pow (Prinxiety)

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Panic attack.

Outside, the pitter-patter of rain could be heard from all areas in the house. Inside was silent, quiet and tranquil. The lights had been dimmed, and majority were getting ready for bed. Well, all except Virgil, that is. Virgil sat on the back of the couch, knees digging into the fabric and brown eyes watching the masterpiece outside. His head rested on the back of the couch, listening to the rain. This was one of his few relaxing times. Listening to rain relaxes Anxiety, so of course it did just that for him. It was soothing, and soft. Thunder made it better...

Just then, a streak of light flashed. Sending beams of light like a giant picture taken into the house. Flowing after was a large explosion like sound, one that sent pleasant chills down Virgil's spine. He shuddered visibly, smile on his face and a small moan of satisfactory leaving him. The musles in his body were relaxing, the way he felt was like how Jell-O exists. Like Strawberry, cold Jello.


As Virgil watched the show nature was putting on inside the mindscape, which meant it was raining outside in the real world aswell, the lights began to flicker. Anxiety thought nothing of it, more concentrated on watching the earth do its thing.

Eventually, the lights went 100% off. The black clad man suddenly blended in with his surroundings, unable to make out his hand from the coffee table. He didn't notice for a while, too busy admiring the amazing feeling that had overcame him. Too busy experiencing the calm and relaxation he rarely received. Nights like these were his absolute favorite after all.

Looking up, he finally realized just how dark it had became behind him. He cocked an eyebrow, looking around. Only small specks of light here and there from random things could be spotted. Like the small blue light of the DVD player. It definitely wasn't enough to see, however.


With a cautious glance down, he stepped off the sofa. Feeling around, the anxious trait tried to make his way to the stairs at least. He took a step forwards, bumping into the coffee table. Okay, so he had to go left. Taking a sharp left, he sighed, wishing they had clapping lights. Though, even then, if it was a fuse that blew, it wouldn't have done much but made him look stupid.

His legs now had briuses, he was sure of it. Virgil had bumped into so many items on his way to the stairs. Finally he had reached his destination, and Virgil just remembered they could litterally teleport. He mentally slapped himself, the calm sensation that had been lurking messed with him a bit. Totally skipped that thought.

One step into the Strairs and he was in trouble. Of course he didn't know that yet. Though, it was coming. As he walked up the steps, feeling before he put his foot down, he missed a count and his foot caught on the edge of the stair. A Yelp escaped from him, falling forward and landing sideways. Being in such a position, he scrambled to get back up, but as soon as he applied pressure to the foot that had just caught on the case, he screamed. This caused him to collapse back onto the stairs, and begin to Tumble down the flight of stairs.

He managed to catch himself on the fourth step, now on his back. Virgil let out a groan, using his elbows to prop himself up on the stairs. He looked down at his leg, barely outlined from lack of light. Sighing, he rested his head back against the higher step, glaring above him.

Then, the initial shock of what happened began to fade. The adrenaline wore off and the pain began to surface. As this happened, Virgil grew more and more uncomfortable. He didn't dare take his shoe off, knowing that would only make it swell. He'd much rather his foot swelling take shape of it's container.

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