(LAMP+D) Just Want Attention

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"please give me a kiss!"



"Because, no!"

Roman had been trying all morning to get a kiss. Nothing was working so far.

"That's not a reason, Lo!"

"Roman, for the last time, I am busy"

"Too busy for your boyfriend!?"


The now grumpy and kiss deprived Roman stomped out of one of his boyfriends office. If Logan didn't want to give him the affection he so desperately needed and clearly deserved, he would just find someone else.

Walking into the kitchen in search of Patton, he spotted the cardigan clad man mixing some batter, humming a tune. His hips swayed as he read the directions on the box, setting the oven to a certain tempreture. Roman strutted over, spinning in his head before treating one of his loves. "Hello, Patton dearest."

Patt jumped softly, head spinning to look at Roman, before returning back to what he was doing. "Oh, Hi RoRo!" Patton gleamed, continuing to sturr the bowl of soon to be- Roman checked- Cupcakes.

"Do you need anything my love?"

"Nope I think I've got everything!" Patton shot Roman down. This caused the fantible trait to falter, deflating. His knees buckled before he regained himself, eyebrows furrowing. Damn, Patton just shot him down hardcore.

"Oh uhm-" Roman tried again, hands behind his back as he leaned over Patton's shoulder. "Well would you like any help?"

"I'm okay Ro, thanks for asking though. I'm almost done." Patton stated, getting out a metle cupcake tray and some cupcake papers. He still had that smile on his face, no idea how hurt thoes sentences made his lover. All he wanted was to spend time with at least one of his boyfriends. Yet they were either busy or, as Patton did without realizing, shot him down.

Virgil was having one of those sessions where you lay in bed, awake, staring at the ceiling, while listening to music. When Roman walked in, Virgil's eyes were wide, headphones on. Music blasted from the plastic speakers, and Roman knew that Virgil was in anther world. It was basically impossible to shake Virgil from this state. Either that or Virgil was just amazing at ignoring Roman when he's listening to music. Whichever way, Roman sighed and walked right back out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

He leaned against the wall outside of Virgil's room. Then his mind flickered to the newest addition to their polyamorous relationship; Deceit. The snake hybrid had admitted his feelings towards all of them except Patton, which Patton understood. Since then though, everyone knew that the feelings had since developed.

Roman plucked himself from the wall, beginning to walk towards the snake traits door. Once he arrived, Roman knocked a few times. Upon receiving no answer; Which is unlike De, Roman opened the door. It creaked lightly as he did so.

"Woah.." Roman exaderated quietly, craning his neck to look around the room. He had never been in Deceits room before. Though, it wasn't exactly what he expected. Dark, yes, gloomy kind of like Virgil's room, sure. It was both of thoes things, like you'd think. On the wall there were no pictures and no paint. Yet the far corner of the room, came an amber glow. It came from a heating rock, one used to keep cold blooded animals warm and healthy.

Deceit was cold blooded?

That explained alot Actually. Like how Deceit never seemed to get warm enough. The freezing feet to the backs and stomachs, which amused ghe lieing side to no end. It explained the constant complaining and not wanting to go out in the snow when there was some.

Roman successfully made his way into the room, silently shutting the door. Silently despite that Creek anyways. Deceit was getting oil for his birthday to fix that damn hinge. Looking to the rock, he realized why it looked so funky.

Deceit was ontop of it. However it was hard t make out his figure when he blended in with the rest of the room. He was laid on his back, arms straight above him. Relaxed and pleased was what the traits face revealed. It was obvious that this was a treat, something Deceit very much enjoyed. His cape, hat and gloves were all off, and a soft snore coming from his lips.

Did he always sleep like this? Looking around to see a bed and bedside table, Roman came to the conclusion that was not Deceits bed. Though it must have been heavenly. Roman had never seen the deceitful trait so at peace. He found himself crouched down infront of his lover, head tilted to the side. The ember glow of orange reflecting off Roman's pale skin, and eyes. Eyes that held love for each and every one of his lovers. Choosing favorites was always something that irritated Roman, but as of now he believed Deceit was the cutest. Logan denied him, Patton unpurposefully made him feel bad, and Virgil... Was being himself. Of course they were all cute in their own way, but the way Deceit was cute? He'd never seen it before.

As he was staring, kind of spacing off over how beautiful be found Deceit, he didn't notice. He didn't notice that the snoring had stopped, nor that the eyes of sleeping beauty had cracked open. Roman did realize Deceit was awake however, when he let out a blood curdling scream. Much to Roman's ear's displeasure. The fantible side creamed back, before reaching down and hugging his boyfriend to get him to stopped screaming.

It worked, apparently, because Deceit had stopped screaming and was only breathing heavily. "Roman?" Deceit whispered, and when Roman nodded into his chest, Deceit pushed him away. "Why are you in my room-?!" He screached, sliding down the rock and leaning against it. The rock was nice sized, big enough for De to lay on without falling off.

"Er- uhm- I just-"

Deceit put his hands on Roman's shoulders, imediently spotting the distress. "Hey- oh, I'm not sorry for yelling." He said in a much calmer and softer tone. "What did you need so desperately that you had to come into my private place?"

Private place? Is that what Deceit called his room. 

Remember to laugh about that later- Roman mentally noted.

"I just want attention."

"Attention?" Deceit mirrored.

"Uhm- yeah."

"Oh. Well, in that case." Deceit chuckled, pulling Princey by his royal outfit downwards. Sitting on his rock and pulling Roman with him, snuggling up to the warmth of the rock and his lovers body heat. Not without kissing Roman of course, granting him a deep passionate kiss. Which Roman greatfully returned. Deceit kissed Roman with love, heart swelling as he snuggled close while hugging one if his hearts. His only prince.

"You are awful Roman." Deceit complimented as they broke away. Laying a gentle kiss on his needy lovers nose. Roman did this monthly. Deceit, with as much free time he has not being a main side, is never unavailable. So, Roman has found himself angirly going to deceit alot. Just wanting to spend time with all of his boyfriend's. Deceit understood, he did too.

Right now though, Dece was okay with snuggling up with his two favorite things. Heat rocks and princes; well, his prince anyways.

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