Chapter 10

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I look at Sky, Flare, Trace and Rash completely mortified at the thought of fighting Andy. They notice and all come over to encourage me, Rash and Trace slapping me lightly on the back, while Sky and Flare envelope me in a hug.

"Hey chin up, Casinator!" Rash says, while flashing a huge grin. I grin in return. "Casinator?" "Yep, from now on that's what I'm gonna call ya!" I laugh.

"Yeah bean sprout! You've got this! Show him who's boss!" Trace yells as he pumps a fist in the air. "Ok, bean sprout, really?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he holds up his hands. "It was a compliment, honest!" I shoot him a look that says "really?", and he explains. "You know how, in Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack plants a bean and then it sprouts into a bean sprout?" I nod, and then it hits me. I smile as understanding dawns on my face. "Right now you may just be a bean, but I can see that in the future your powers will sprout, causing you to be come powerful just like all of us," Trace smiles at me and I smile back.

"Yeah and who knows, you may even become strong enough to beat up Andy in revenge!" Flare smiles and nods her head, agreeing with what Trace has said.

"From here until that time comes, and for the rest of time we'll be right here, right by your side! Since as of now, we're your friends!" Sky winks then gives me a thumbs up.

I smile and I can feel my eyes tearing up as I look to the four of them. I just met them, and even though it's just a sparring match, the four of them are encouraging me as though I was going out on a death mission. What did I do to deserve such amazing friends like these?

"Hey you guys do know that I'm still here and that i can hear you, right? You're talking like I'm some sort of monster and that she's gonna die fighting me!" Andy, who had finished changing into his training clothes, stomps over to us shooting us all a deadly glare.

"You are a monster!" All four of them say, while crossing their arms and glaring at him in return.

Andy sighs. "Whatever, let's just get started already!" He makes his way to the centre of the gym, where a bunch of mats have se up to cover the floor and walls. He stands there, waiting for me to join him.

"What's with all those mats?" I turn and ask Flare. "They're from the government. They're not like normal mats. These mats were made not just to cushion our falls but our powers too,"

I look at her with a confused expression. "But, why would our powers need to be suppressed?"

"Cassidy, you know you're not the only one who has trouble controlling their powers in the first stage. Sure, yours may be more out of control than others, but all bibloods have trouble controlling their powers in the beginning," I nod as I listen to her explanation and then I start to feel a rock in the pit of my stomach that grows when Flare says her next words.

"If these mats were not here, the whole gym would be destroyed by those out of control powers,"

"No way, you mean I could have destroyed my hole house, but I just got lucky?!" Flare shakes her head. "Not luck Cassidy, skill. The fact that you didn't cause much damage means you already have some skill when it comes to your powers. Now go show us that skill and we'll figure out the rest!" Rash, Sky and Trace all nod, then the four of them shove me forward.
"You can do it!"

"Cas, hurry up!" Andy yells and beckons me over to join him. I cross the space that separates us in what seems like a second, coming face to face with him and I gulp.

"Finally! Alright, let's get started. I assume you've sparred before?" I nod. "I've been taking martial arts since I was a kid,"

"That must've of been your parents way of having you abilities hidden. Alright, I want you to come at me the way you were if you were sparring in a martial arts class, even if your powers emerge, that's fine."

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