Chapter 13

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I wake up feeling joyful as I take a shower before I head downstairs to eat breakfast. I decide to braid my hair back today, pulling on jeans, a green t-shirt and a black jacket.

Andy told me to dress as if I were going hiking, which feeds on my curiosity as I think about the training I'll be doing later today. It's currently 11:00 right now and I head downstairs to find Ed stuffing his mouth full with pancakes.

"Morning Ed! Where're mom and dad?" I ruffle his hair and start filling my own plate with a stack of pancakes. Ah, the benefits of being a biblood and a martial arts student, a fast metabolism.

"They went out. They won't be home until tonight." I wonder if they've forgotten that the bipairing is tomorrow? I roll my eyes inside. Would it kill my parents to actually try and prepare me for my new life? "What's up with you, anyway?" My little brother interrupts my thoughts, staring at me through squinted eyes as if he's trying to figure out a puzzle.

"What?" I ask defensively.

"You seem really...happy, and it's creeping me out."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you've been skipping about with a smile on your face-"

"I wasn't skipping around!" I interrupt him, annoyed. My brother shoots me a look. "Surrrre you weren't." He rolls his eyes as he continues.

"You ruffled my hair and told me good morning, which by the way you never do." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was weird to be a caring sister."

"It may be normal for other people, but not you. That response of yours is more like your endearing personality."

"Endearing, really? Ed, your make me sound like a monster!" I hold a hand onto my heart, pretending he's just stabbed me with his words. Sometimes I forget that my brother is in grade nine.

"Well, I'm pretty sure any sister who greets her brother with a kick in the face in the morning can be classified as a monster." I nudge him in the shin with my foot under the table. "I haven't touched you since then, you twat!"

"Yes and the house and I are grateful to you for keeping us away from that pain."

"You're such a twat." I say while I shake my head with a smile, choosing to stuff myself with pancakes instead of continuing our 'argument'. Ed seems to agree and we laugh as we finish our breakfast together.

A couple hours later and it's 3:00, but I can no longer stay in the house with my anticipation growing. I put on my brown lace up, knee high boots that have soles good for running as well as hiking, and decide to head out early with my school bag containing a book in tow.

I make my way over to the park, where I decide to sit on a picnic table and read while I wait for Andy. An hour later, I hear the sound of an engine and my heart beat speeds up knowing he's arrived.

"I never really understood why people find books so interesting." I freeze when I hear his voice. I never knew I would miss it so much. It's only been five days, but it feels like a year.

I stow my book in my bag, then get up and slowly turn around. Andy stands before me, dressed in jeans and a navy blue t-shirt with, you guessed it, a half smile on his face. The moment we make eye contact though, that smile fades and he looks away, with a guilty expression on his face. He scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm glad you came." I remain silent, blushing, not sure what to say. Andy looks back at me, eyes deadly serious. "Cas, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know you probably hate me, but-" I feel tears forming in my eyes as I crash into him with a hug, hiding my face in his chest. He hesitates for a second before he hugs me back, his head leaning down on my shoulder.

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