Chapter 22

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"Hey Cas!"

Ignore him. Keep walking.

"Cas wait up!"

I wonder what will be on the menu for lunch?

"Caught you, Caterpillar!"

Dang it!

Andy grabs my arm, forcing me to stop and turn around to face him.

"What do you want, Wickleberry?" I cross my arms in front of me in a sort of protective barrier, trying to put some distance between us for now.

"Were you trying to avoid me?" He half smiles and I roll my eyes with a sigh.

"No. So, what do you want?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he holds his hands up defensively.

"Sheesh, what's up with you anyway?"

I stare at him until he sighs.

"Look, we need to practice our bond so I was thinking we should go out into the woods and-"

"Sorry, I need to train with Sky!"

I turn around and run out of the gym before he can say anything.

I need some space right now. A guilty seed has been planted in my stomach and as I'm walking I can feel the roots taking place as the tree continues to grow. I know I'll have to face him eventually, but after our little moment in the woods, I just need to clear my head. If we were to train now, I doubt I would be able to focus and then we wouldn't make any progress.

Besides, I was thinking of asking Sky for help in specific training, so this is perfect timing! Making my way back to the library, I pause for a few moments to try and regain my breath before entering. When I walk in I find Sky and Flare at the same table that they were at this morning, searching through stacks of books. At the sound of my approach, they both look up and my face must look flushed from running as they both raise their eyebrows at me with smirks on their faces.

"Didn't think there were any wild animals in the gym? Right Sky?"

"Yep! Which means Cassidy here wasn't running from something but from someone."

They both stare at me as if they are seeing through my mind, which is an ability that probably exists in this place, and I can only respond by glaring at them.

"I don't want to talk about it!"


"One of these days you won't be able to keep running!"

"Guys, seriously! Enough!"

In response, they both pout.


"So, I'm guessing you ran away with a different training method in mind?"

Flare raises an eyebrow and I nod, grateful that the subject has finally shifted away from Andy for now.

"Yeah! I was actually hoping that you would be able to give me healing lessons Sky! Can you?"

"Hm. Let me check my schedule."

Sky takes out a timetable and I can see that it is fulled to the brim with either lessons or missions that she has had to undertake. She flips to a page marked with today's date and quickly scans it before flashing me a smile.

"All good! I've got a spare hour until I have to teach my next class!"


Sky closes the book she was reading before I entered and places it on a smaller stack of books that appears to be the ones that they've managed to get information from.

The Unwanted ~ Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now