Chapter 34

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Oh and I'm your twin brother! Let's get along Cassandra! Or should I say sis!

His words are ringing in my ears, deafening to the point where I can no longer think straight. A headache starts pounding its way against my temples and I rub the spot above my right eyebrow in agitation.

Sis? As in sister? Ethan is my brother? Not only that, he's my twin brother?

Cas, are you okay?Andy's worried thoughts run through my head and I have to force my heartbeat to calm down, knowing that I probably looks as pale as a ghost right now.

Honestly Andy, I don't know. I feels his presence beside me and he takes my hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze.

I'm right here. Don't let him faze you. Show him the strong Cassandra that I have come to know.

Taking a deep breath, I feel myself relax at his thoughts. Squeezing his hand in thanks, I turn back to face Ethan. "You're telling me you came all the way here just to say hi?" I feel the icy annoyance drip into my voice as I stare at Ethan.

That's the spirit!

Andy, shut up.

Ouch, Cas! I was only trying to help!

And you did, but what you're doing right now isn't helping!

"Relax 'lil sis!" My glare intensifies after hearing him call me his little sister.

"Don't call me that! I have no idea who the heck you are! We're strangers!" He makes a tsk sound as he shakes his head in response to my claim.

"But you see 'lil sis, we're not strangers at all! We share the same blood! Although mine is full blooded and yours is one of a...triblood." The distaste in his voice is clear as day when he says biblood.

Okay, someone doesn't like bibloods. I think towards Andy.

Yeah. The question is; why? The same question has been ringing in my own mind and I have yet to reach an answer for it.

"Which blood are you?" Andy asks him and Ethan looks at him in distaste.

"He said, which blood are you?" I repeat Andy's question, irritation seeping into my veins at the way he is treating him.

"Now, now 'lil sis! I was just trying to have a little fun!" I take a step forward while keeping a cold mask on my face.

"Answer the question." My tone is ice cold now, yet he still refuses to answer me.

"Hey you can call me Eth, y'know!" That fake cheeriness is once again plastered all over his face. My stomach churns at the sight.

"No thanks, I'd rather not. So, how about answering the question?" He sighs as he shakes his head.

"And to think I was trying to bond with you, lil' sis! But to answer your question, my blood is full blooded and of a vampire. I take after our father who was a vampire full blood. You lil' sis take after our dear...mother. Before you ask, yes it is exactly what you think. Our mother is the first ever triblood, Elena."

"You're joking."I say this with a leveled tone on the outside, but on the inside I am falling apart.

"Now don't be like that lil' sis! We're twins, isn't that awesome! You have the looks of our father with the blood of our mother while I have the looks of our mother, but the blood of our father!" The way he says this, it seems like he knows quite a lot about our birth parents.

"How do you know so much?"

"Well, I do my research of course! And by research I mean getting the old texts written at the time. Not those new ones rewritten to suit the needs of...our dear mother." Once again he talks about 'our mother'-if we truly are related-as though she is the scum of the earth.

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