Chapter 27

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I hear the sound of the melody of the birds in the morning, their high pitched chirps ringing in the quiet morning air, letting me know that morning has come. The time is 6:30 which I can tell by looking at the lock screen of my phone and this is the time that all bibloods are required to get up at. I'm not much of a morning person, hence why I am constantly rushing to get to school on time even though I'm a walk's distance away.

However, while the time may be the same, the day itself is not as today is the day I set out on my mission with Andy. Climbing out of bed, I quickly change into black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and pull on my black leather jacket then brush out my wavy, brown hair before tying it up into a ponytail. I then pull on ankle high black boots that are made for occasions like this. I take in my appearance in the mirror and I realize that this is the most black I have ever worn casually in my entire life. Well it is the uniform colour. Not much I can do about it.

I head out to the washroom to wash then after confirming it has everything in it - spare clothes, food supplies and whatever else I need - grabbing my travel pack with me as I head to the caf for breakfast. Andy wanted us to eat while we headed out, but since this was my last breakfast with my friends for a while I convinced him to let me have it with them instead.

"Okay, that is not what I said!"

"But it's what you meant my dear Vile!"

"Mule, you better-"

Of course those two are arguing with each other first thing in the morning. Shaking my head with a smirk plastered on my face, I plop my tray of food loudly on the table in between them which catches their attention as they stop arguing.

"Morning, guys! Today's a great day isn't it?"

The three of them turn their attention to me and they smile.

"Morning, Cassy!"

"Morning, Cas!"

"Good morning."

I make quick eye contact with Dilan after he greats me using my eyes to ask What were they arguing about? He answers me with a slight shake of his head and mouths when they're not looking 'Nothing new' to which I smile at.

"Today's the day you leave for your mission, right Cassy?"

"Yeah it is!"

"Do you know how long you'll be gone?" She looks at me with puppy dog eyes, secretly pleading with me that I won't leave her with Samuel for long and I give her a sympathetic look before I answer.

"Not sure, but I think at least two weeks."

"Two weeks!" The three of them shout and I shoot them a glare as they quickly close their mouths as I scan the room once again then sigh in relief as I see that no one heard.

"That's a pretty long time." Dilan says what the three of them are thinking and I feel a somber atmosphere start to take form, so I quickly put on the brakes.

"Oh, come on guys! You're acting like I'm leaving forever! I'll be back before you know it!"

At my joking manner, smiles slowly start to spread on their faces and they nod their heads.

"There we go! Now no more depressing talk!" We spend the rest of our breakfast talking and laughing with each other about random things before Vi and Samuel are at each other again in another argument. Dilan and I laugh as we break them apart, Vi seething and Samuel grinning from ear to ear. Checking the time display on my phone, I see that it reads 7:30 letting me know that I have to leave to meet up with Andy, so I tell my friends bye, giving Vi a hug, before I drop off my tray and head to the stables to meet Andy with my travel bag in tow.

The Unwanted ~ Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now