Chapter 24 ~ Sky

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It's a word that everyone knows and acts out. Some may more than others. Everyone knows that one overly optimistic person that they either hate or love. Most people tend to hate optimistic people because they envy them for being able to stay so positive despite the odds since they are unable to have a positive outlook themselves. However, there are those who enjoy having a positive person around as they feel that they brighten their days and help to change their outlook on situations. I think everyone needs that dosage of positivity and that's where I come in!

That's me, miss positivity!

I have always tried to stay positive no matter what life has thrown at me. Just like how when you look at a sunny, clear blue sky and get filled with warmth from the sun as you know that you will have a great day.

Not that I am without my problems. I am a biblood after all. Not just any biblood as I'm one of the Oath Bound, meaning I have tons of responsibilities added onto the regular biblood ones. Still, I try to value those small moments that most people tend not to pay much attention to; a budding flower, a beautiful sunrise, a newborn animal and so much more. Nature is all around us, and yet so many people walk by it without a second thought.

Seeing these things makes me happy and helps me see that even though I may not be having the best day, there are still positive things out there. That's why I make it a part of my day to look at the nature around me no matter what I am doing. This is exactly what I am doing now as I stroll from the gym and back to the Oath Bound office, having finished teaching my lessons for the day.

As I take in the sights, I start whistling a happy tune and I continue whistling as I walk through the door of the office. Flare, who's buried in paper work, looks up raising an eyebrow at me.

"Someone's happy."

"Aren't I always?" I cheerfully reply and she shakes her head. Sometimes I feel like Flare's ability is closing off any cheerfulness she could have.

"That's true. Can't argue with you there." As she stares at me I keep a smile plastered on my face until she sighs and smiles back. See, I'm a remedy!

"If only Cassidy would learn to be as cheerful and open as you."


"Yep. You literally wear your heart on your sleeve. You're an open book!"

"Not all-"

I get cut off by Flare's stare and I swallow my denial. Dang it she's right!

"Well at least I'm not always grumpy!"

"Hey! This isn't about me!"

"It's not about me either!" I tell her in response and we both have a stare down in silence before we both burst out laughing. Flare takes a deep breath then gives me a knowing look.

"You're right Sky, this isn't about us. It's about Cassidy!"

I nod energetically in agreement. That girl is never true to how she feels.

"You want them to be together too?"

"Yep! Though I don't think they truly have feelings for each other yet."

"Yeah, but something's definitely there!"

"All they need is the right push." Flare smiles mischievously and I can tell that she's planning something.

"Whatever your planning, I'm down for it!"

"I'll let you know when I have it figured out then." Flare and I share a mischievous smile this time as both of us can't wait to get those two paired up.

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