Chapter 21

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Double chapter release again! :)

"So...who's gonna fight who first?" Dilan asks as we all look at each other.

"I volunteer Cas!" Samuel says and I turn around to glare at him. "Why me?!"

"Me too! And I think she should fight against Dilan!" Violet says and Dilan looks at her shocked.


"Yep! I think it's the perfect match up! Besides we haven't seen you use your blood powers yet, Cassy!"

"Ok, but why do I have to be the one to fight her?"

"'Cause it'll make a sick match up Dil! And besides I have a bone to pick with Vile here." Samuel tilts his head in Violet's direction and she gives him a punch in the arm.

"What the heck did I do to you?!"

"That my dear Vile is one of the many on my long list."

"You deserve every single one of the injuries I give you!"

"Ouch! Last time I checked you didn't have an ice ability, Vile!"

"Stop calling me Vile, you dumb Mule!"

"Guys, Guys! Cut it out! Dilan and I are going to spar now!"

"We are?" Dilan asks and I dig my elbow into his side.

"Yes we are!" I whisper in his ear. "Or else those two are going to rip each other apart!"

"Okay." Dilan doesn't abject and we face off against another, causing Violet and Samuel to stop bickering to pay attention to our spar.

"Alright remember Cassy, you have to use your full power and don't hold back!" Violet says and Samuel nods along in agreement. Why can they only get along when it comes to violence?

"Um, what about me?" Dilan tentatively raises his hand and Samuel comes over to smack him on his back.

"Try to live Dil!"

In response, Dilan starts turning paler and paler by the minute. Wow, I didn't think he could get any paler.

"Come on, Dilanator! Let's show them how strong we both are!"

Dilan swallows nervously, but then he gets in a fighting position as the colour returns to his face.

"Alright, let's have a fair and fun match!" Violet, acting as the referee, stands between Dilan and I with her arm outstretched. "Ready...fight!" She raises her arm, then steps out of the way, signalling the beginning of our spar.

Alright, here goes nothing! Just like when I spared with Andy, I feel for my blood powers, starting with my elf blood powers since I got to experiment with it more. As my appearance changes, I hear the three of them gasp in shock. I then quickly go on the offensive with Dilan, raining down physical blows before I use my abilities. In response to my agility, all Dilan can do is defend. That's when he throws a surprise attack of bomb detonation, flinging me backwards and putting some space between us.

"Smart move!" I yell and he smiles shyly in return. "Well, I'd rather live so.."

That's when he activates his vampire blood power and now he is able to match my agility stroke for stroke. Using my wind, I create a barrier of wind around him, but just as I try to attack him from behind he shoots out some low level bombs that are not strong enough to kill me, but strong enough to knock me on my back, causing the air to escape my lungs as if it were being sucked into one of my own wind tornadoes. Dilan takes this chance to pin me down, but using the wood in the gym I'm able to snag his arms and legs, trapping him. That won't hold long. My psychokinesis is  out of the question since there are no objects lying around.

The Unwanted ~ Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now