Chapter 14

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Cassandra Edgarin.

I feel a voice pushing against my temples, vibrating in my brain. Who are you? I ask, pushing the question through my head.

Who I am bears little importance at the moment. The voice answers, which causes me to roll my eyes inside my head. Great. Just great. On top of everything, I get a mysterious voice in my head that is apparently going through an identity crisis.

You know, I think it's important seeing as you're, well, IN MY HEAD!!

Ah, Cassandra that attitude will get you nowhere. Once again, I disagree, seeing as my charming personality has gotten me pretty far, but I chose to stay silent.

Good choice, my dear. Okay, seriously, this voice is getting on my nerves! Now, focus. What you are seeing is of great importance, not just to you, but to all bibloods. That's when the throbbing in my head intensifies and I'm shown a series of images one after another.

Um, it's a little hard to focus when the images are flashing by. I think towards the voice. You must will yourself to see. Focus. I take a deep breath and concentrate, willing the images to slow down so I can examine them. What I see as a result makes my stomach churn.

Blood. More and more of it fills my vision, making me sick. Followed by rows and rows of dead bodies strewn across a wide plain. I see fangs. Then, I see bibloods of vampires, fairies, werewolves and elves gathered together, forming row after row of what seems to be a biblood army. But then I'm confused, as I see what seems to be another biblood army facing off against the first. Something's not right.

Why would the bibloods go to war against each other? I try asking the voice in my head hoping to get an answer, but as expected of a voice with an identity crisis, I get no straight answer.

My dear triblood, there is always more than what meets the eye. I roll my eyes in my head. Yeah, I think I've figured out that much at least.

You must figure it all out, otherwise there will be no end to the blood shed. Leaving me with that wonderful ray of sunshine, the voice leaves my head, taking the images with it, leaving a dull pain throbbing in my temples.

Well, isn't this just splendid? It's not even morning and I'm already facing impending doom. I must say, I think I've set a new record for myself. I sigh and get up to get a drink of water, then make my way back to my room where I change into pyjamas then get under my covers.

I turn the images I just saw around in my head, trying to figure out what exactly I just saw. What exactly is going to cause the bibloods to go to war? Apparently, the answer to this question is one I have to find the answer to, or I risk the lives of every biblood. I also wasn't given a time limit, nor was I given any details. Meaning, I have no idea how much time I have to find the answer to this question and I have no idea if this is something I have to stop from happening, or if it is something that is already happening. Argh. Not to mention I still have the bipairing to worry about.

Why does impending doom always have the worst timing? I think to myself as I drift off to sleep.

The next day I go to school, my classes fly by, and before I know it I'm heading home.

"Hey Cas, ready to go?" Katie walks up to me with here backpack strung on her shoulders.

"Sorry Katie! I can't go home with you today, my parents are picking me up. They just texted me." I give Katie an apologetic look and she smiles. "Don't be sorry! I'll see you tomorrow!" Katie waves and heads out, leaving me behind with my stomach sinking in guilt.

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