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"Take another picture! I look so ugly in the last one." Jennie says handing the phone back to her friend, Rose.

"Come on, Jennie. You two look great on every picture. This is the hundredth picture I take. Literally!"

"Come on just one more!" She pleads.

Rose rolls her eyes, "Fine. Only one more because I have to take pictures with my date as well."

"Okay! Jimin your hand right here I've already told you." Jennie says placing my hand around her waist.

"Smile!" Rose says holding up the phone.

I make myself smile once again. "Okay that's it." Rose replies giving Jennie the phone back.

"Thank you, Rosie! You're the best." Jennie gushes scrolling through the pictures.

"When are we going in? It's getting kind of dark out here." I ask uninterested. The mosquitos around us are annoying me and this mini photo shoot is too.

There's couples walking down the flower hallway to take their official prom picture. "Which one is better? This one or this one?"

"That one."

"That one? Are you sure? My smile looks kind of weird on that one."

"Okay the other one then."

"You didn't even say anything about my dress." Jennie says with a sulky expression.

"It looks great." I reply admiringly looking at it. Yoonji would've looked so beautiful in this piece.

"Aww! Thank you!" She says wrapping her arms around my neck.

I wrap my arms around her waist and sigh quietly. This is going to be a long night. I should be at the beach house with my friends instead of prom, but here I am anyways.

And all for what? To hurt Yoonji's feelings? To be petty and self-centered like she said?

"Hey, do you wanna maybe come over to Jisoo's house after prom? Just for a little bit. I know you're going to hang out with your friends."

"Uh sure yeah."

"Yay! Let's go take that professional picture over there."

I roll my eyes as Jennie holds my hand leading me down the pathway. Great, more pictures.

After posing for the picture we hand our tickets to the person in the front door to get in. The place they picked for prom is pretty fancy.

There's eye catching chandeliers on the ceilings and red carpet on the stairs that lead up. "Come on I can hear the music!" Jennie squeals as we go up the stairs.

When we get up the stairs we hear the loud music inside the room. There's purple flowers hanging from the ceilings and all the tables have purple tablecloths.

There's candles on the tables and fancy silverware placed beside them. I completely feel out of place here.

We take a seat in a table where all of Jennie's friends are already sitting down. "Guess what we sneaked in?" Lisa asks pulling out a small tequila bottle from her bra.

"I sneaked some in too." Jennie says quietly laughing.

"Great, there's alcohol." I say relieved. I could not survive tonight without a drop of alcohol. "We got more when we run out. Just be careful not to get caught." Jisoo says.

Without thinking about it twice I pour some alcohol into the empty glass cups that are on the table.

"Whoa, Jimin, take it slow it's tequila." Jennie says as soon as I chug down the liquor. It burns my throat and it literally feels like my stomach is on fire.

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