Aurhtors note;

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thank you so much for reading my story, thank you for every vote and for every comment!

i received so much love and it makes my heart swell.

im really happy you guys enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i know the story didn't have a happy ending and i did debate ending it the way i did several times.

i really wanted a happy ending for yoonji and jimin but in this case it wouldn't have worked.

in the story yoonji has severe trust and body issues. she deals with a lot on her own and she often feels conflicted.

she couldn't accept herself the way she is and her insecurities always got the best of her.

in jimins case he was conflicted too. he felt disgusted and ashamed because he fell in love with an intersex.

im not trying to make up excuses for jimin at all but i do understand how he feels. he feels scared because his whole life he liked girls.

imagine being in his shoes?

or in yoonjis shoes?

it's complicated, isn't it?

i decided to write this in jimins POV for several reasons . . . one because i wanted everyone to see how much jimin changed and how he eventually opened up to yoonji.

the problem is jimin struggled to fully accept yoonji the way she is and she knows it.

in the epilogue he finally admits to himself to love and adore yoonji the way she is.

if he would've accepted it earlier maybe things wouldn't have ended the way they did.

the point is, there was no way to end this "happy" because yoonji doesn't love herself the way she is.

i could've made her love herself at the end but let's face it: loving yourself takes time.

especially for her with the problem she has.

if any one you know is going through a problem similar to yoonji's or jimin's always be mindful.

give them lots of support. they're confused, scared and afraid. they have all these mixed emotions and they don't know how to deal with it all.

and if you're going through this, i hope my story somehow helped you. i hope that you accept yourself and love yourself the way you are. it's okay to feel the way you do.

and if you have depressive and suicidal thoughts please seek help! you are needed in this world!

you are important to many people including me.

sending lots of love to you all ;* <3

ps. im going to write lots of other stories so stay tuned ♡

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