Vampire!Scourge X Reader

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Vampires were real, but no one believed you. You were called the town's crazy lady. But you knew who they'd run to the moment a vampire arrived. You knew you were right.

Vampires were real, there was no question. But how to prove you were right, there was no answer to that. You groaned loudly and hit your head against your messy desk. There were papers spread all over the wooden desk and the wall in front of it, the papers were even on the floor, and you had an over-flowing bin.

"How can I prove them wrong..." You mumbled, pulling at your (f/c) ears.

Your candle blew slightly, growing smaller from the breeze from the open window. You sighed and moved it from the draft, it was way too hot to close the windows, but since it was dark, you needed the candle.

Have to love towns.

You took a breath, accidentally submerging yourself in darkness. You yelped and quickly lit it again, looking around at the shadowy room.

"Jesus (Y/N)... You'll get yourself killed for sure..." You put the candle down. The scribbles on your desk were starting to get muddled up, "Well... Time for a walk."

You stood, walking out of your straw house and down the dirt street. It must have been really late, maybe 8 or 9, since everyone's lights were off.

Good, it would be quiet then.

You walked around the dirt town quietly, taking in all the straw and stick houses, wondering if these idiots will ever make stronger buildings. They'd need to if Vampires ever planned on taking over. Sticks and straw won't stop those monsters from breaking down your door.

You sighed and pulled out a messy note-book from under your coat, reading it in the moonlight even though you knew every word.

'Vampires, hideous beasts, probably twice the size of us mobians, and long fangs to rip out the throat of their victims. Covered in lots of long fur. Red eyes, and a long gross tongue.'

You smiled at your first entry, the very first image you got of a vampire.

'Correction, that's a werewolf. Will need to do more research on those after I prove Vampires exist. These idiot villagers don't know what's out there...'

You rolled your eyes, you doubt they ever will know, because they don't listen. Yet they use your 'scary monsters' as stories to frighten the children into coming in before dark. It's a mockery of your research.

'I have reason to believe that vampires look similar to us, but something doesn't seem right about this... They will still have the fangs and red eyes. They will be taller and more slim, it will look unnatural but also somewhat mobian. Like a fault in their growth. But they live forever. And I believe they hiss like cats...'

This was one of your best ideas. It made sense, you even had suspicions that one of the village elders was a Vampire. He was the oldest and the crankiest, he acted like he knew everything, and who would know everything? Vampires, because they lived in a time before everyone else ever did.

Looking around you noticed you were in the forest. You walked to your favourite spot, sitting on a large rock and flipping through the pages of your research journal.

'I was wrong. Vampires are tiny demons, they are nothing like us. They fly around screeching and bite at your neck and get stuck in your fur. They sleep during the day, flying around at night. I am finally getting somewhere.'

Bats... You sighed at the memory. You had once believed bats were evil vampire-like creatures until someone had the urge to crush your theory before you could even attempt research. You were quick to rip that page out and throw it to the ground. That was an embarrassing moment you wanted to forget.

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