Arc 3.5 Ruler of the Night

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A/N: Actually, I'm half-asleep writing this haha. Hopefully it makes sense. If not, uh, I apologize.




Arc 3.5 Ruler of the Night

"Oh?" Hugh lifted a brow in feint amusement.

"The famous flower beauty knows me? I feel honored."

The surrounding knights and officials all spit blood at his remark. Who in the large Kingdom of Grethien didn't know about the unique characteristics of the two remaining kings of the werewolves?! Even those who believed werewolves to be only myths were still aware of Hugh's distinctive pitch black fur that came as a set with his pair of luminescent golden eyes and Valentine's shiny sheen of lustrous gray fur and matching pair of sterling silver eyes!

Furthermore, at this point they had an inkling as to the identity of the lady assassin - who else but the Lavandula? Similar to the two werewolf kings, the Lavandula had been a prominent figure amongst the hunters, werewolves, and even in lore as of late! She was said to carry around a black sword that could easily slaughter werewolves who were known to be immune to everything aside from silver. The dark sword that was made from unknown material also had two striking gems embedded within the blade and the cross-shaped pommel that complimented her correspondingly colored lavender eyes.

With the observations of the Lavandula's recent violent actions, many could tell how deep the huntress's hatred for werewolves ran. To those who were aware of why Cecily hated the oversized dogs so much, they were even more clear about how much she despised the two werewolf kings, Hugh and Valentine. So how could it be possible for her to not recognize Hugh Noir when he was standing right in front of her?

"My name is Cecily Lavande. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"

Then Cecily quickly swooped in towards Hugh with her sword and slashed downwards diagonally from the tall and sturdy man's left shoulder to his waist. Unfortunately for her, the man foresaw her attack and caught it with a palm, his dark blood slid down his toned forearm almost alluringly. He paid no heed to his minor injury as his playful smile remained annoyingly pasted on his peerlessly handsome face. 

With the sword sitting cozily in his hand, he easily pulled Cecily into his embrace, "Baby, I missed you..."

He immediately dove in to kiss those enticing red lips of his wife, plundering the inside of her mouth ravenously and greedily as if he'd finally found an oasis in the middle of a desert.

Hahaha I'm kidding. Here's the real thing.

At the sight of one of the possible masterminds of her family's massacre two years ago, Cecily could hardly remain calm. Even though she knew from the information that Hugh had no part in their murder, the original was still unsure of the true culprit even until her last breath so her breathing started to become more chaotic along with her rising heartbeat. The grip on her sword tightened and her hand shook as she tried to stop herself from running to him to give him a good slash.

The fire in her eyes burned with a deeply rooted hatred that came from the gruesome memories of the scene left behind by the murderer of her family; each of their bodies were cruelly dismembered and sprawled carelessly throughout the burning mansion. She had just gotten home from a routine gathering of aristocratic young ladies, only to find that her most beloved family was no longer on the planet. 

Cecily shook the blood off of her sword as she glowered at the callously smiling man. The information was singing praises at him throughout its entirety about his righteousness or whatever, but from her two months in this world Cecily could tell that he could care less about the lives of the werewolves, much less humans. He probably just didn't want to deal with a powered-up Valentine who would undoubtedly attempt to kill him so he decided to level their strength early on to lessen the hassle in the long run. 

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