Arc 4.4 Queen Mother

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Arc 4.4 Queen Mother

The group of three had a light meal that consisted of air-compressed emergency rations that were easy and weightless to carry around. It wasn't good for Alex to indulge herself in food since she hadn't eaten for fifteen whole days.

After they finished their meal and getting Alex caught up on the dire situation of the entire fleet, they headed to the research department's canteen to make a temporary base until Alex was in better condition to move a longer distance. Their ultimate goal was the armory where the weapons were stored at the other side of the starship in the vanguard department. They stayed in the canteen until the next day, which was when Team Protagonist would land on the ship and subsequently face total annihilation in four hours.

Alex knew about Team Protagonist's imminent demise but didn't plan to make herself a good Samaritan by helping them out. She, herself was an alien and the original only cared about Tyler and Faust anyway. Most importantly, they needed to get to the armory before Team Protagonist did. In the original timeline, Team Cannon Fodder graciously told Team Protagonist where the armory was and thus Lily not only had her entire harem of men but also all of the weaponry and machinery in the starship while Team Cannon Fodder only had the weapons they'd carried since the day Tyler and Faust had ventured into the research department to rescue Alex.

Speaking of survival, Tyler and Faust were simply gods to be able to survive for fifteen days while the rest of the fleet just went off and died within twelve hours. Even Team Protagonist didn't last for four hours. At this time, Tyler and Faust weren't even aliens yet! Their stats definitely improved by leaps and bounds after becoming aliens, and yet they still lost to the protagonist halo. What a big hole, ah, and there was nothing to fill it up with besides the smutty scenes.

Anyway, Alex couldn't for the life of her find any pleasure in even thinking of touching herself to get her eggs in the two men's systems. She couldn't even get aroused! So, as a last resort she went into the system store and bought a dispensable item, A Drop of Spring. It was apparently a love drug that was priced at 500 points. A single drop would be enough to make one climax, which was exactly what Alex needed.

So, while the two men were busy cleaning up the canteen that was in utter chaos due to the panic caused by the aliens, Alex immediately downed the tiny droplet and instantly felt as if she'd reached seventh heaven.

As disgusted as she was at the thought of anyone ingesting her fluids, she hurriedly slipped everything into the soup she was in charge of making only after she set aside a bowl for herself.

Thankfully she acted fast because Tyler and Faust returned as soon as she was done and were waiting at the doorway, each leaning against the frame on either side.

"Smells good as always, Lexi. This is why you are in charge of the food," Tyler generously praised while Faust silently agreed beside him.

Alex chuckled before spooning their portions of the soup into two other bowls. Then she motioned for them to head out of the kitchen and towards the table that they had set up earlier so that they could start eating.

She only let out an inaudible sigh of relief after the two had swallowed and finished the entire bowl of soup. They didn't seem to have noticed any abnormalities.

'Is that really all I needed to do? 001, how does the whole process work? Will they suspect me?' Only now did Alex stop to think about these questions.

[Host, Tyler and Faust will not suspect anything. They will soon fall asleep as you did, and when they wake up they would feel the Royal Guards trying to overtake their bodies. As for after they settle the score with the aliens, they could wonder how the aliens invaded their bodies but they wouldn't necessarily blame it on you.]

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