Arc 4.20 Queen Mother

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Arc 4.20 Queen Mother

Alex had a strange dream. Like, strange.

She was back in the completely black personal system space so she thought she'd somehow died after killing the female lead. Angry, she yelled out at 001, "You little bitch! Clearly, my mission required me to kill her, yet why am I here?!"

Out of spite, 001 ignored her. He also didn't know why she was there, so why did she have to go and call him names? Since she wanted to be mean, the wronged system decided to just remain silent and act like he wasn't there. His host would find out eventually that she didn't fail her mission on her own anyway.

Having not received a response from the system for what seemed like half a day, Alex sighed, calming down as she dropped to the floor to sit.

So, do I just wait here or what...

She sat staring into the empty space, thinking about nothing in particular as seconds passed. Then minutes. Then hours, until she couldn't take it anymore and was just about to fall asleep and have a nice dream inside what seemed like a dream already.

Of course by that time she figured out that she was still Alex with her fiery red orange hair and combat suit. Every time she returned to the system space she would be herself, not the persona she had just left.

Just as she laid down and began closing her eyes, a timid voice called out,


Since the voice was so quiet, just like a whisper, Alex thought she was hearing things after having been in deathly silence for so long so she initially ignored it and kept her eyes shut.

However she jumped up with a kick and eyes alert when she felt a cold hand on her left arm.

"Who the fu--" she choked down her words at the sight of the peerlessly cute, adorable, and beautiful androgynous child sitting right beside her.

Their hair was pure white, which stood out even more against the pitch-black space. The orbs staring back into Alex's pale blue ones were like a rainbow of colors. Not all at once, but as the viewing angle shifted, the hue would follow suit and change accordingly.

The child was wearing absolutely nothing, and their pale skin seemed even more ghostly white along with their hair once again due to the surrounding darkness.

Bringing her gaze downward to that area shamelessly, Alex found to her amazement that nothing was there. No vagina, no penis. Nothing. Truly androgynous.

At Alex's outburst, they flinched from fright but refused to back away. Their reluctance was clearly conveyed through those luminous eyes.

The small smile also slowly turned downwards into a sad arc as if they had been wrongly accused before their tears started rippling within their eyes, threatening to fall at any moment as they stared longingly into her own.

Momentarily speechless, Alex could only lower her stance and get to the matter at hand,

"Kid, who are you. Do you know why we are here?"

As if afraid to speak, the kid first made sure that they were allowed to by peering into Alex's eyes hesitantly before answering in a somewhat clumsy manner by lowering their chubby little hand to Alex's own slender ones before muttering softly,


Unable to understand, Alex raised a brow questioningly,

"Where's your mom?"

Since the kid obviously didn't know anything she felt it was better to just go to their mom to find answers. That way, she could probably leave or something.

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