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The darkness seemed to stretch on forever until I turned my head slightly and I saw the early morning orange glow slipping in through the crack in my curtains and I smiled.

I dropped the smile almost immediately as my face began to ache and I tried to ignore the cause as the memory rose to the surface of my mind.

If it was summer my entire bedroom would be illuminated with the orange glow that I loved so much and I wished that it was summer already just so I could sleep with my curtains open but alas winter was just starting and it was bloody freezing over night.

I sighed just as a knock on my bedroom door made me jump and I coughed before calling out, "Yeah?" I slid down into my quilt in an attempt to hide my face as I watched the door open to reveal Mum dressed for work.

"Heading out now, I'll see you tonight?" Mum asked with a smile on her face and I nodded.

"Sure will. Have a good day."

"I'll try, you too sweetheart."

I waved quickly before stuffing my hand back under the covers as the cool air bit at my skin and even though I'd slept with the radiator on my room was still too cold for my liking.

Listening out for closing of the front door, I finally built up the courage to leave my incredibly warm bed and brave the bathroom which I knew would not only be freezing but it would also serve a harsher reality reminder than the ache in my face gave me.


I kept my head down as I made my way from the tube station towards work and I knew that my make up was good but the paranoid part of my mind was convinced that people knew about the ugly blue and purple marking around my eye.

"You're late."

I flinched as I stepped into the café expecting to be chastised from the original statement but instead I was greeted by my mangers grinning face. I glanced up at the clock above the microwave and narrowed my eyes at Sarah.

"I like keeping you on your toes." Sarah grinned and I rolled my eyes in good nature as I relished in the warmth. The sound of the coffee machine already gurgling was somewhat surprising but I couldn't deny it was a welcome sound as I dumped my belongings in the office.

"Thank you." I nodded towards the coffee machine and water tank smiling the best I could without hurting my face too much.

"Not a problem, I know you life your morning coffee." Sarah told me with a genuine smile on her face.

I busied myself with the morning duties as I prepared for the day, my nerves spiking as Sarah stayed behind the till with me, tapping away on the screen every so often. I knew I was doing everything right and everything that I'd been taught but I was still nervous.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to make it seem like a casual question as I made my way to the coffee machine and started to filter enough caffeine for both Sarah and I.

"Adding an extra option to the waste mode." Sarah responded easily enough and I looked over the till she was working on with furrowed eyebrows. Spotting my confusion Sarah motioned for me to join her silently.

"So you're in waste mode and you've put in everything you're doing and then when you press enter instead of using promotion we now have the option of family." Sarah explained and I nodded as I listened. "For when Darren or my girls come in and when your boyfriend comes in you know?"

I nodded again as Sarah finished explaining, "I could just make him pay for it." I suggested referring to Tommy even though I knew it wouldn't go down well with him and I'd just end up paying for it, in more ways than one.

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