twenty five.

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It had taken five days for Tommy to remember I existed.

It had taken twenty five minutes for me to realise I shouldn't have let Harry leave.

Sunday night was hard, just like Saturday night had been and Sunday morning until Harry had forced his way into my day. Every time I closed my eyes once I was alone all I saw and felt was him.

I hadn't had any way to get Harry to stay after dinner had ended, ended with him and Mum deciding they should be friends rather than him and me, I'd rolled my eyes at the two of them. But I was secretly very glad they liked each other.

That had resulted in five nights of fitful sleep that had me feeling like I was awake with my eyes open again. Work had picked up like it did every year and I was thankful for it. I didn't want to have any down time, I didn't want any chance to think about anything.

I knew I should go and see Tommy considering it had taken until today for him to remember he had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who he'd forced into a disgusting and degrading act. A girlfriend who was still pretty mad.

Although as mad as I was, I was almost glad he'd turned up in the café on this grey Thursday afternoon, although he did have Zayn with him which wasn't ideal, Niall, Louis and Harry were also with him.

I still didn't know which one of them kept deciding to have their work "meetings" in the same café I worked in, but I didn't mind if it meant I got to see Harry even though we never got to actually speak, the discreet smiles were enough.

I suspected it was Tommy who decided they'd be held here, only so he could keep an eye on me.

"You're being called."

I jumped as Susan spoke to me and I raised an eyebrow at her, it was the first time since we'd hired her I got to actually spend one on one time with her and I had to admit, I wasn't a fan.

"Thanks." I murmured, I was her manager I had to be polite as possible. I sighed as I made my way towards the back table the five of them always occupied.

Thankfully, I was no longer in pain, unless you counted my sleep deprivation which I wasn't considering I never ever slept all that well, it was just the emotional pain left. I was still hurt and angry at Tommy.

I didn't quite know how to manifest though, I couldn't tell anyone what had happened and I also couldn't tell Tommy because I knew he didn't care and I had lied to him and hurt him so I knew he saw it as an eye for an eye.


The word left my lips in a snap and I saw Harry raise an eyebrow but thankfully he kept his eyes on his mug.

"Don't take that tone with me." Tommy turned to look at me and I swallowed thickly but luckily my anger outweighed my fear as I stared at him with my arms crossed.

"Sorry," I stressed, "What can I do for you?"

I sent him a sickly sweet smile watching as Tommy narrowed his eyes at me, I didn't know what I was doing, it was like I was out of my mind but I was sick of him ignoring me for days until he wanted something or decided to have a girlfriend again.

"What's got into you sweet cheeks?" Tommy asked ignoring my own question and I raised an eyebrow at him knowing this was irritating him. If there was one thing Tommy hated more than disobedience, it was causing a scene.

"Nothing, I just have a very busy café and can't keep coming over here." It was only the second time he'd called me over. But today was the first time he'd spoken to me since Saturday.

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