thirty six.

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"What are you doing here?"

Irritation seeped into my tone as I held the door partially open with one hand and stared at the intruder on my porch. I didn't want to see him, in fact I didn't want to see anyone. It had taken long enough to get rid of Harry yesterday evening as it was.

"What kind of question is that? I'm here to see my girlfriend."

I tightened my grip on the door, the cold air seemed to make my already cold and still partially wet hair even colder.

"I broke up with you." I almost stuttered but held my nerve as I refused to back down.

Tommy wasn't my boyfriend anymore but he could still hurt me.

"Jesus christ you're still on about this." Tommy rolled his eyes and I swallowed thickly.

"Let me in."

I couldn't believe that he just brushed off everything that had happened yesterday but I should have known really. This was Tommy Scott, I knew what he was like. I knew what he was like but god it felt good knowing that I had told Harry everything.

I watched as Tommy watched me in silence, I guess this is what had changed when I'd broken up with him, this confidence to stand my ground, to ignore his demands. Although the fear hadn't left me and I could feel my hands shaking as I tried to control my breathing.

"May let me in!" Tommy shouted and I flinched away and fumbled to push the door shut only to have it bounce off his foot.

I shoved my body weight against the door as Tommy pushed on the other side and I stumbled backwards as he overpowered me immediately.

"Get out! I don't want you here!" I shouted.

Brief shock surged through me as I shouted back at him for the first time but it was quickly snuffed out as Tommy's hand landed on my cheek sending my head sideways.

"Don't shout at me sweet cheeks." Tommy hissed as I cradled my cheek. Movements outside caught my eye and I saw Mrs Baxter watching us from her front garden and I wondered if I shouted for her to help if she would.

I wasn't even sure what an old woman could do so that was pointless.

"Mind your business!" Tommy snapped following my eyes to her as he slammed the door shut and my only hope of escape vanished.

"It's over Tommy. We're not together anymore." I repeated my words as I inched backwards and away from him.

"You don't really want that do you May? I love you, you know that." Tommy matched my movements backwards with his steps forward and I swallowed thickly shaking my head.

"I don't think you do." I spoke quietly watching as Tommy narrowed his eyes and I saw the change within him.

"Of course I love you!" He shouted making me flinch.

"I wouldn't put up with you being the most boring bitch for five years otherwise."

Tears stung at my eyes as I shook my head and decided that it was now or never. Spinning on my heel I made a desperate dash towards the dining room in an attempt to get into the kitchen.

I cried out with my heart thumping as a harsh kick on my ankle forced me to the floor.

"Don't you fucking dare." Tommy hissed as he pulled me down the hallway by my ankle. I kicked out at him, my fight or flight kicking in as it had done with Luke Jones.

Tommy Scott was just like Luke Jones.

Why had it taken me so long to realise that? They were the same terrible people, Luke tried to kill his girlfriend, did that mean Tommy was going to kill me?

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