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I bounced my leg as I sat on the arm of the sofa, my anxiety spiking for no good reason and I pushed myself off the sofa and instead paced around the small kitchen. I was starting to think that this was a bad idea.

All Tommy's text message had said was that he was on his way back home and he was tired and that Liverpool had been shit. He never gave any indication of what time he'd be home but I'd googled how long it took to drive from Liverpool to London.

I shook my head as I crossed the flat to look out the window as I heard a car pull up and I smiled as I heard a door open and shut and I moved back to the sofa, my leg now bouncing in anticipation.

I heard Tommy's voice before he'd even reached the front door and I assumed he was on the phone. I stood as I heard his key jiggle in the lock and the door swung open to reveal my boyfriend talking the ear off of a person instead of a phone.

"Hi." I grinned watching as Tommy stopped in his tracks, his face creasing in confusion and I felt my smile start to drop as I glanced quickly at his friend, the dark skinned man from the pub last week and I felt my hands start to shake.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy snapped as the dark skinned man I still didn't know pushed his way into the flat without sparing a look towards me before flopping on the sofa.

"I thought I'd surprise you, you said you'd had a bad weekend..." I explained trailing off and shifting on my feet as I realised my surprise wasn't a good idea and my presence wasn't welcome. I had made a mistake, loving Tommy who had been all over the phone talking to me whilst I was on my breaks hadn't returned from Liverpool.

"What made you think that this was a good idea?" Tommy asked as he walked closer to me, throwing his bag onto the floor and I licked my lips nervously as my eyes dropped to the floor immediately.

"I missed you and I thought you would have missed me too so I wanted to cheer you up." I explained quietly chewing my lip, trying not to look at the mottled bruises all over his face. I knew Tommy hated me making a fuss.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't help myself as I asked. 

I was worried. I hated it when he came home from work covered in bruises and cuts, I was constantly worried something bad was happening and he never ever said anything to ease my worries.

Tommy rolled his eyes as he suddenly gripped my wrist and tugged me down the small hallway and into his bedroom. 

"Why the FUCK do you always assume things?" Tommy hissed as he shoved me into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry." I apologised immediately and I could feel my nerves fraying even more than they already were before and I could almost feel the fear seeping through my skin. 

"What happened to your face?" I tried, stepping forward slightly. I couldn't help myself as I raised my hand in an attempt to touch him.

I couldn't stop from crying out as Tommy grabbed my wrist tightly stopping me in my tracks. "Do you think its any of your fucking business?" Tommy spat making me swallow thickly as I tried not to cry. Tried not to make him angrier.

"I've had the shittiest weekend and all I wanted to do was come home and relax but no, I have to deal with you being fucking stupid." Tommy said and I knew what was coming as he pushed my wrist away forcefully.

"I'm sorry."

The force of Tommy's fist hitting the side of my face blindsided me and sent me backwards sprawling on to the carpeted floor with a thud. 

"You always make me so mad." Tommy sighed shaking his head as he stood over me, the tears already leaving tracks in my makeup.

"I told you not to. I even bought you flowers."

Tommy shook his head again as I cried out as his trainer clad food came into contact with my ribcage sending a searing pain through my entire body and I curled up into a ball without thinking.

"Don't you fucking dare." Tommy hissed and I found myself being pulled up by his cold hands. 

"Why are you fucking crying May?" Tommy asked and I shook my head as I tried to tip away the tears, only for a fresh set to leave my eyes as Tommy smacked my hands away and sent a hard smack to my jaw.

"When are you going to learn?" Tommy sighed and he laid blows after blows on my body as I cried and cried.

Even though I could barely breathe I couldn't stop the anger at myself for being so stupid and such a disappointment for making stupid decisions and constantly making Tommy mad. He deserved better. He deserved so much better than me.

"I'm sorry!" I cried from the crumpled heap of my limbs on the bedroom floor as Tommy moved away from me and I wrapped my arms around myself cringing as pain shot through my torso at the pressure.

"Get the fuck out of my flat." Tommy spoke calmly as he looked at me through even eyes.

I nodded immediately as I moved as quickly as I could with the pain in my leg. Keeping my eyes on the floor I grabbed my bag and made a point to not look at Tommy's friend as I left his flat and crumpled into a heap of tears and pain on the cold stairs.

After what felt like hours I finally heaved myself up and tried to wipe away the evidence of my tears as I slowly left the building, my body screaming in pain as I braved the cold wind which bit at my warm throbbing skin as I made my way to the tube station.

I could barely feel my fingers as I turned into my street but that was the least of my worries as I kept my head down and I was glad it was completely dark now so no could could see that I was an absolute mess.

The relief only grew when I saw that Mum's car was missing from the driveway meaning I could get inside and showered and into bed without being disturbed or worse yet seen with all of these uncovered screaming bruises that I knew were forming.

Ignoring my rumbling stomach I headed straight for the shower and kept my head down and away from the mirror and I stood under the burning water trying to wash away the pain inflicted by my boyfriend.

Instead all the water did was boil my skin and blur the lines between the water streaming from my eyes and the water pouring from above me as I spent longer in the shower than I had ever before.

I crawled into bed with a fresh set of tear soaking my face as I tried to get comfortable as my body screamed in pain and I cried at the agony of the pain of my heart breaking inside my chest. 


homegirl needs to leave him n just screw harry honestly 

also lmao i don't personally picture may as uma thurman, the gif was just the *~aesthetic~*

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