thirty seven.

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Bright lights and loud noises.

They were the only things I could focus on as I blinked repeatedly before opening my eyes.

Bright lights, loud noises and movement.

I grunted as I felt my body being shifted before I felt something soft against my bare legs. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut once more before opening them again. Everything took a moment to come into focus but eventually I recognised where I was.


My voice was dry but the simple word had the three people in front of me turning to face me in a panic, I couldn't be here. Oh god she couldn't see me like this.

"Calm down, hey calm down." I recognised the voice immediately, Claire trying to calm me and I found my eyes opening wider as she pressed down on my shoulder to keep against the bed.

I blinked and shied away from the bright light being shone into one of my eyes before it moved to the next one.

"Concussion. Check that wound again."

I stared at Claire, the words leaving her mouth seemed like they were a million miles away from the Claire I had known for most of my life.

"Hey look at me," Claire said and I did as I was told slowly. "What's your name?" Claire asked and I frowned.

"May." I pointed at myself as she nodded. "I can't be here. What happened? How did I get here?" I asked.

"Slow down kiddo, one thing at a time yeah?" Claire smiled easily at me and I swallowed thickly, aware that my throat wasn't stinging as much now but I still needed a drink.

I watched as the curtain was pulled open and a policeman stepped into the room, Claire and her second nurse glancing at him before he came towards me.

"Can I?" He asked Claire who glanced at me and nodded slowly.

"Take it easy with her, she's got a concussion and she's a bit confused. I'll be right back." Claire told him before smiling at me and slipping out of the room.

"May, I'm PC Atkins we met at your house remember?" He smiled gently at me and I sucked my teeth as I nodded before cringing. The movement causing pain to shoot through my skull and I groaned.

"I don't..." I licked my lips. "What happened?"

"The police are going to be in contact and will ask some questions because it was a domestic disturbance. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." PC Atkins told me easily and I licked my lips at the thought of being involved with the police.

"Tommy?" I asked hesitantly watching his movements as he groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. PC Atkins was very young and I was sure he'd said he knew someone I knew but I couldn't remember.

"He's been arrested." Atkins informed and I stared at him wide eyed.

"What for?" I asked, I could feel my heart thudding within my chest and I heard a beeping alongside me getting louder and louder.

"Battery assault." Atkins glanced at me then the monitor and back to me just before Claire came back in and checked the monitor.

"May relax." Claire instructed and I looked at her confused.

How could I relax when Tommy had been arrested? How could I relax when I was now involved with the police? I couldn't have Tommy in trouble, there was too much that could go wrong if Tommy started talking.

"How dare you not tell me she was here!"

I jumped as the curtain was ripped open suddenly and my eyes landed on my Mother's wild state. She was still in her nurses scrubs and I assumed she was still on duty but she was standing at the foot of my bed with wide worried eyes.

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