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"Are you okay?"

I glanced over at Harry who had an eyebrow raised as I met his eye briefly before he turned back to the window and I licked my lips and nodded.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"So why are you fucking fidgeting?" Harry asked.


I mumbled as I stopped my bouncing leg and shoved my hands into my jacket pockets as I moved my eyes back to the window, the only sound in the car being the soft music burbling from the radio and Harry's sigh.

I shut my eyes as I lent against the head rest, true to form Harry had embarrassed me when he'd picked me up by telling me he'd brought 'my favourite car' which I'd apparently told him on Saturday night.

I didn't remember that.

"Penny for yeh' thoughts?"

I jumped at the sound of Harry's voice and opened my opens to see him looking at me whilst we were stopped at a traffic light and I just shrugged, ignoring the dull pain in my side from last week.

"Not really thinking about anything, actually." I told Harry honestly, I had a lot I could think about. I could think about work, or about the fact I hadn't decorated for Christmas at home yet or I could think about Tommy.

I didn't particularly want to think about Tommy considering I saw him last night for a brief fifteen minutes after I'd called him to tell him about the bag Zayn wanted me to give him. And those fifteen minutes included a lecture about me not butting into his business.

It wasn't like I even wanted to be his personal delivery service.

"Hey I love this song." I spoke suddenly, reaching out to turn up the volume without thinking about it before I realised what I was doing.

"I'm sorry." I apologised and turned the volume back down and lent backwards.

The volume went back up without me touching the dial and I glanced at Harry to see him smirking over at me and I realised that he'd done it.

"You like Kodaline?" He asked and I nodded.

"What other music do you like?" Harry asked and I chewed my lip as I thought about it, it wasn't ever anything I actively thought about, although I did have a terrible habit of listening to one song for several months at a time.

"I dunno, I mean I don't really think about it." I said, licking my lips as Harry laughed and I felt my cheeks heat.

"Well what's your favourite band?" Harry pressed and I knew the answer immediately.

"Promise you won't laugh?" I asked quickly.

"Why would I laugh?" Harry asked and I shrugged as he glanced at me. "Promise I won't laugh, sunshine."

"E.L.O" I said watching as Harry glanced at me as he shifted gear and I watched his eyebrow raise before he licked his lips.

"As in Electric Light Orchestra?" Harry clarified and I nodded. "Huh would not have guessed that." Harry nodded in approval. "How'd you get into them?"

"This is the part where you can't laugh," I warned him just as I spotted a sign welcoming us to Oxford and I chewed my lip as memories flooded back to me. I wondered what Gemma's house was like. I wondered what Gemma was like.

"I promised I wouldn't sunshine." Harry moaned and I nodded.

"Okay so it was because of an episode of Doctor Who when I was younger." I admitted slowly, "Weirdly Peter Kay was in it, anyway the main character was super into E.L.O and a lot of the soundtrack for that episode was their music and I just looked it up and yeah."

"That's cute." Harry said after a few moments and I laughed running a hand through my hair.

"What's yours?" I asked curiously, hoping that it might give me some insight into what to get him for Christmas.

"Pink Floyd. Or Fleetwood Mac, or the Stones." Harry shrugged and I laughed. That didn't help.

"I gave you one!" I protested.

"Technically two." Harry winked and I turned my face as away immediately as I felt my cheeks heat, and I didn't want him to see that.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked as his free hand suddenly landed on my knee cap and forced me to stop bouncing my leg and I sent him a sheepish smile ignoring the sparks shooting up my body.

"Sorry I didn't realise I'd started again," I mumbled.

"And yes, I am, what if she doesn't like me? Did you tell Gemma I was coming?" I asked, suddenly worried that Harry had just decided to bring me along for the ride without informing our host.

"She'll love you, trust me." Harry said and I chewed my lip as he took several turns before pulling up outside a small house.

It almost looked like a cottage but it was bigger, the red front door was a cute feature against the white brick and the front garden was tended to and I was immediately envious of the flowers in neat rows.

"You didn't answer my second question." I muttered as I climbed out the car and followed Harry up the small stone pathway and I looked around; I didn't get to see this part of Oxford when I visited.

I hovered behind Harry as he rang the doorbell and I shoved my hands into my jacket before pulling them out again when I realised it would look rude and I shifted around on my feet, cringing as Harry glanced over his shoulder at me.



sorry for disappearing lols but long story short alcohol is not my friend and work is kicking my arseeee haha, anyway this is short sorry about that also but enjoy the wonderful gif of harold being harold, i miss him even tho the hrought has been nice so far, x g.

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