thirty five.

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"What is it sweet cheeks? I'm very busy."

My blood felt like fire in my veins as the stupid nickname ricocheted inside my brain and I felt every single moment of anger I had suppressed for the last five years fuel my body and I felt like I was going to explode.

"How could you?"

I wanted to scream at him but my voice came out as nothing more than a detached reticent. Tommy's laugh cut through the blood rushing in my ears and I focused back in on the fact my skin felt like it was peeling off my bones as I glared at the office wall.

"How could I what May? I told you I'm busy." Tommy snapped.

"How could you fucking cheat on me?!" I snapped. 

"We've been together five fucking years Tommy and you've had a girlfriend for the past year, how the FUCK could you do that to me?

"I have given you everything I've had for five years Tommy and now you're throwing it back in my face I can't believe you! I thought I was being paranoid, you convinced me I was being paranoid, that it was all in my head! But it wasn't Tommy because you're an arsehole and you've been cheating on me! The amount of fights you've started because you thought I was flirting with someone and I wasn't because I never have!"

I was practically hyperventilating by the time I was finished and my brain felt like it was hyperventilating in my skull too. The line was silent making me wonder if Tommy had hung up on me.

Until his laugh reassured me he hadn't.

I felt like screaming down the line at him. I had so many words in my head but I couldn't get any of them out and my anger only fuelled my frustration. Frustration at myself, at Tommy and at the situation.

"You can't blame me May you're hardly offering it on a plate. Anyone would mess around a bit." Tommy said and I felt my already hurting heart break a little bit more and I could feel the tears burning in my eyes.

"I wouldn't!" I screeched, "I haven't!"

"Listen to yourself you're hysterical. Get a grip May, you're lucky I love you."

"I don't love you!" I screamed down the line.

The words hung in the air my chest heaving as I listened to Tommy's slow breathing on the other end of the line. I had done it. I'd said it, I had finally told him what I'd been thinking for the last two months.

"I don't think you're in any position to be saying shit like that May. I'm all you've got and I'm all you'll ever have." Tommy hissed down the line but his words weren't registering.

"Fuck you Tommy. It's done, I'm done. We're done."

"That's hilarious May. Get a grip." Tommy laughed. 

He wasn't taking me seriously, and I almost stamped my foot in annoyance but I refrained knowing it would only serve Tommy's point.

The anger in my veins outweighed the hurt in my chest as I almost stopped to think about the fact Tommy could be right. I wasn't in any position to leave the only person who had ever loved me, or could ever love me.


I spun to face the door as Harry stood there staring at me.

"I knew you were fucking him. I'm planning a little party for him right now."

Tommy's snide voice drew me back to the conversation I was currently in the middle of and I sucked in a harsh breath.

"Fuck you Tommy." I hissed hanging up on him immediately.

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