forty three.

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i don't think this progresses how you all think it will :)

Harry's hand tightened and loosened on the wheel periodically as we drove through the night, my heart had somehow slowed down but the rest of my body was still on high alert as we sat in silence. Not even the radio was on.

It was like I was in the car with Tommy all over again.

I risked moving my eyes from the window next to me to glance at Harry, my heart leaping into my throat as I watched both his fists flex on the wheel, the skin of his knuckles splitting open on the hand nearest me.

How hadn't I noticed that his hands were bruised and bloody? What had he been doing today? Or yesterday for that matter.

My concern out weighed my fear for the moment and I set about rifling through my bag taking a few minutes before I finally grasped the two items I was looking for. I licked my lips as I turned in my seat to face Harry.

He had moved his arm so it was resting on the console between us and I grabbed his wrist lightly, flinching as my touch made him jump.

"Sunshine?" Harry grunted and I glanced at his face, confusion clear. The appearance of my nickname calmed my fears but I was still hesitant.

I pressed a tissue against Harry's knuckles gently before I uncapped the tube of disinfectant cream with my teeth and squeezed a small amount out and proceeded to rub it carefully into Harry's skin murmuring apologies.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly as I let go of his hand and cleaned my own before dumping the stuff back into my bag.

I was scared of his answer but I needed to know how to prepare.

At least Tommy used to be an open book so I always knew what to expect whatever he was going to inflict on me. Harry was much more difficult, more complex.

I jumped as Harry grasped my hand suddenly, his fingers pushing through the gaps of my own just like he'd done the other night and I licked my lips as I stared at our joined hands.

"Course not." Harry muttered and I felt my heart thud. "Never been mad at you Sunshine, never will be."

Harry squeezed my hand as he finished speaking and I relaxed. I knew I had to stop jumping to conclusions with Harry but I couldn't help it. He was too nice sometimes and I didn't deserve it.

Instead of giving it anymore thought I looked back out the window and slowly realised that we had been driving for far too long for us to be going towards home and I swallowed.

He had just told me he wasn't mad at me.

For christ sake, I rolled my eyes at myself, this was Harry. My Harry.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked turning back to look at Harry, the fist on the wheel no longer clenched and was instead loosely wrapped around it with his elbow on the window.

"My place." Harry glanced at me just as he took his hand off the wheel to change gear and I felt my face pale with fear. Why didn't he let go of my hand? Or even ask me to do that for him, it wasn't like I couldn't drive.

I met Harry's eye as he glanced at me once more and I watched as he gave me a soft smile before looking back at the road and my heart increased as I stared at the side of his face. This was my Harry.

"Just need to be alone with you."

I bit my lip to contain my smile as I looked away from him just as he took the turn into his street, my hand still wrapped in his as he pulled up alongside the curb and killed the engine.

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