twenty nine.

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The unrecognisable face stared back at me, I knew all the features I was faced with but there was no correlation or name.

The jade eyes held depth that the ocean would be jealous of, soft and chaotic at the same time.

The smile was cold and sick as it twisted up the unknown entities face, the teeth a little yellowed and crooked.

And the hands, god the hands were the worst part. Cold and leering as they kept reaching for me, reaching and failing as I backed away every single time.

I knew why two of those features were here, they belonged to the two who frequented my nightmares and more often than not; caused them. The eyes I was stuck on, I didn't want to admit it or even believe they were his, but they were.

I knew those eyes anywhere, I would know them anywhere. Holding so many secrets that I couldn't even begin to imagine.

Fear ripped through me as I put the pieces together, the darkness pushing me back into the grabbing hands, my flesh searing as they landed on me; blooms of red and blue littering my skin and I screamed.

All I could do was scream as I watched the face twist and turn as it ruined me. I knew I was crying, I could hear my sobs and feel the stickiness on my skin. I was constantly crying.


I shot up my chest heaving as I looked around the room wildly. It was okay. I was in my bedroom, I was okay. Okay as I could be.

I was in my bedroom and it wasn't real, it was okay. I swiped at my face trying to rid myself of the warm sticky tracks leaving my eyes as I took several gulps from the water bottle. I didn't want to think about what my brain had conjured.

The three of them didn't belong together. I didn't like that my brain had tried to make them the same. They weren't the same.

A sudden thud and faint trickling sound echoed through my room making me jump, my heart thudding so hard that it was hurting my chest as I froze, my quilt bunched around my waist as I waited and listened.

I couldn't hear anything except the sound of ragged breathing and a thundering beat and I realised it was me, I was freaking myself out. Nothing was happening, it was a bad dream and all I needed to do was settle back down.

I jumped as I let out a small yelp as the noise echoed again and I cursed myself, my own shrieking had scared me. I fiddled with the sleeves of my jumper as I pushed my covers off completely. 

Well if there was a demon in my room it was going to get me now. 

It would serve me right for getting out of bed. It was probably just a fox, suburbia had heaps of foxes. 

I neared my window with my breath held in my lungs, I hesitated. I didn't want to pull my curtain back, what if there was a face there?

There wasn't going to be a face there, it was the middle of the night and I was on the first floor. 

There was no face, I hoped.

I ripped the curtain back as if I was pulling a plaster off, letting the air out of my lungs as I saw nothing but darkness and my own pale face staring back at me. I was being dramatic, it was just a fox in the garden and I could go back to bed.

A sudden lump of something hit the window and I flinched away, my heart hammering again and I swallowed tightly. A fox couldn't do that. Was someone breaking in? They had a weird way of doing it.

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