Airplane mode

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December 31,2017
New Year's eve
Location: The Air
Time: 4:30pm
Quavo's POV
"Hello?" A restaurant worker picks up the phone.

"Hi, I'm calling to make a reservation," I say.

"Okay..and what is the name?" She asks as I hear typing in the background.

"Quavious Marshall."

"Okay and what time would you like to set up your reservation?" She asks.

"Well what's open because I know it's new year's eve and all and people prolly made allota reservations."

"We have one reservation open for 8:30 and then one in an hour but that's it.."

"Let me do 8:30."

"Alrighty and for seating arrangements would you like the first floor or second floor?"


"Balcony or just the dining area?"

"Let me do balcony cause you could see like the sunset and everything from there right?" I ask making her laugh.

"Yes you can."

After making the reservation and paying through the phone I wanted to call babygirl and see what was hattin.

"Hello?" D says as she picks up the facetime call.

"Damn girl where you going?!" I ask looking at her fully dressed and ready.

"Waiting for Kehlaniin the studio..she's out here for some work and then she flies back to Cali tomorrow," She explains.

"Mmmh you lookin good," I lick my lips making her laugh.

"Boyyyy, you on the plane yet?"

"Yeah, I land in like two hours yeah I got like two hours left up in here!" I answer.


"But that's not why I was calling.." I trail off adjusting myself and the phone, "I made a reservation for us at this place called Atlas for eight," I explain as she smiles.

"Forreal?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I mean..yeah," I chuckle.

"You know for a good nigga you real romantic," She laughs.

"Hood niggas the most romantic," I laugh.

"Can't say that for all of them.."

"I'm calling it HOOD NIGGAS THE MOST ROMANTIC!" I shouts making her laugh even more.

"But how'd it go with Nicki yesterday? Yah gon make a music video for that song or what?"

"Yeah we gon make a video maybe not now but like after the song get produced and everything and we set up a date know," I explain.

"That song hella fire tho like I know you talking bout me in yah verse too," She smirks.

"What makes you think that?" I laugh.

"Talking bout 'ass fat in her jeans she don't like to wear a thong', the whole song besides nicki verse about me!" She laughs.

"Nah," I laugh, "I'm speaking in general babygirl!"

"Mmh alright," She playfully rolls her eyes.

" So—".


We try to say what's on our mind at the same time.

"You first," She laughs.

"I was gon say that people are expecting some music from you and I know that because people be in my comments talking bout 'you with saweetie tell her to get in the studio and give us music' and—," we both laugh, "so when I get back we gon go to this dinner and we gon go into the studio and work!"

"I do needa get in the studio.." She sighs, "but Cardi,Hennessy,Set,KB and Chelle we're going out to the club and a—".

"Nah, we going to the studio skip allat!" I laugh.

"Babe we got time I could go in the studio tomorrow."

"Nah cause you gon say 'tomorrow' then 'later' like uhuh we going tonight and that's it."

"Fine but look I gotta go cause K just walked in," She says looking up.

"Hollup what was you gon tell me?" I ask.

"Oh um that I got a club appearance in Miami on the first."

"Oh Alright ima see you back at the house den."

"Bye," She laughs before hanging up.

just a filler chapter so it's very short

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