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  No one's P.O.V:
                                 Krystal, Ceil, and Alois eventually did fall asleep, but it wasn't too long until they woke up again. Krystal wore her fighting outfit, with multiple weapons on her. She sighed as she grabbed the spell she was suppose to preform. Ceil and Alois were at the dinner table, waiting for Krystal to join them for their last meal. Sebastian, Claude, William, and even Grell were all silent while they stood in the dinning area. "Morning," Krystal greeted with a small smile before sitting down. Everyone gave her their greetings, but after that it was quiet as they ate. Once done, Krystal grabbed piece of chalk and went outside. The others waited a bit before following her to find her drawing on the sidewalk. "What are you doing," Ceil asked, standing beside her. She answered," In this particular spell, you have to have a symbol on the ground, so the portal won't pop up just anywhere. Also, opening up portals especially for the first time takes a lot out of a witch, therefore, the symbol helps by containing the magic inside it." Everyone nodded and everything went silent again. Krystal continued working on the markings until she was finally done. She threw the chalk and clapped off the chalk on her hands.
                    As this happened, laughter was erupted out of nowhere. Everyone looked to see that Darrien, Ashley, and Miranda appear. "What's she doing here," she asked, glancing at her bully. Darrien smirked as he replied," My assistant, of course. She has been since the beginning. Miranda, here, was my spy inside the school to look after Ashley and when she couldn't be friends with her, she made everyone despise you." Krystal was quiet shocked at this newfound information, but didn't show it. Miranda smirked as she held Ashley in place. "How long were you planning something like this," she questioned. Miranda spoke," Since we figured out who you are!" Darrien glared at her, for speaking out of term, but said nothing.
                    "What do you mean," Krystal asked," figuring who I was?" "Stop playing games, princess," Darrien replied, only confusing her further. She questioned," Princess? What on Earth are you talking about??" "I don't think she knows," Miranda whispered, shocked. Darrien silently agreed with his assistant, before asking," You really don't know??" "Can you stop being so cryptic and just tell me," Krystal replied, rubbing her temples. Everyone else was curious too, though the demons and reapers, had already known. Darrien sighed as he explained," You are of royalty, only that of royal birth can make a demon/angel/witch sword." Krystal shook her head not believing a single word he said. "It's true; I am of royal birth as well," He replied," therefore, we are the only one's that can control the kingdom." "Is that why you want me dead?? This wasn't about Ashley at all, you're just power hungry," Krystal stated, pissed. Darrien laughed as he answered," Only one of us can control the kingdom, you being older, it would have been you, but if you're dead, I will be the ruler."
                  Her hands were in fists and she was about to make the first move in this game, but Miranda spoke," Don't you have to say goodbye to your friends, before the battle commences?" Krystal stopped her hand in mid-air, remembering her watching friends. "She's right you know," Darrien stated with a smirk. She glared at him before going to the chalk drawing. Krystal sighed out of frustration as she looked at her friends. She said," I'm sorry you had to hear/see all of that." No one replied while she started making the portal. The portal first erupted into flames, modeling it for the first time in ages; wings appeared on the sides of it as well as a witch's broom on the very top. The flames were on the bottom of the portal now, looking as if it was holding it up. Krystal sighed once more before looking at her saddened friends. She was about to speak when Alois had ran up to her, grabbing her waist as he cried. "Don't make us leave, Krystal," he yelled," please! I'm sorry for whatever I did, I won't do it again, I promise!" Krystal petted his hair as she replied," Alois, this isn't your fault; never think it is. This is just what has to happen okay?" "NO! I don't want to be alone again," Alois screamed, holding onto her tighter.
                     Krystal stared down at the blonde boy as she went inside Claude's mind. 'Claude, please,' she said. At first he was shocked, but Claude complied, ripping Alois away. "CLAUDE! LET ME DOWN," Alois screamed, throwing a temper tantrum. 'Take care of him....and thanks,' Krystal commented in his mind. This time he replied back," Anything for you." Claude didn't say another word as he walked through the portal with a furious Alois in his arms. She shook her head before looking at the other's. Surprisingly, William walked up first. He didn't say anything, only kissed her on the cheek and walked into the portal. Krystal blushed while the other's glared at the portal, knowing Will was smirking. "Oh, Krystal! What am I going to wear without you," Grell exclaimed, nuzzling his head into her neck. She laughed as she replied," I'm the one who should be saying that Grell. You have all the fashion sense in the world." Grell chuckled before kissing her on both cheeks. "You better win this fight," He stated with a wink. Krystal shook her head at him while he walked into the portal.
                   Next, was Ceil and Sebastian. She smiled at them both as they went up to her to say their final goodbye's. "Well, it's been fun," Krystal stated. Sebastian replied," Indeed it has, my lady." Ceil nodded and looked as though he was contemplating something. "Take care of him," she stated. The butler went on one knee with his hand on his heart. "Of course, after all, I am one Hell of a butler," Sebastian said with a smirk. Krystal rolled her eyes, but laughed none the less. Sebastian took her hand and kissed it before waiting for his master at the portal. She gave the Earl a small smile as she said," Please, smile more often. You look really good when you do." Ceil blushed at the comment before looking into her beautiful eyes. He gently grabbed her hand as he slid his blue ring onto her finger. Krystal's eyes widened while Ceil kissed her knuckles, not saying a word. He walked next to Sebastian, who also looked very surprise. "Let's go Sebastian," Ceil commanded. The butler nodded before both of them walked into the portal together. Krystal stared at the blue ring around her finger, still in shock. ' I won't let you down,' she thought, finally looking away from the ring and glaring into Darrien's amused eyes.  

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