Chapter 3

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(Victoria's POV)

"Okay when I call your name off this list for Royal VIP, you can head inside and then you will stay in there for the acoustic show and q+a. Got it!?" Their merch guy, Austin yelled to us all in the line. We nodded or yelled back a yes. "Elizabth Wheeler, Max Scarfew...." He went on and on until I heard our three names, "Victoria Tomlinson, Grayson Jax, and last but not least Maddie Payne." Maddie and I squealed and we all ran inside the venue.

There they were. Remington Leith, Sebastian Danzig, and Emerson Barrett. The people I adore most in the world, the people who I inspire to be like. We were at the very end of the line so it will probably take around 45 min til we get there since there was around 50 people here. "I cant wait to meet them, even tho we already met Remmie," I jumped up and down excitedly and they my best friends just stared at me in awe. "Me too Vic, me too." Grayson put his arm over my shoulder and accidentally I fell asleep.

"Hey wake up Vic, were almost there." I was rudely awoken from my dream about nutella and unicorns dancing with me and Remington. "Don't you dare wake me up again," I said groggily and slapped Grayson on the back of the head since I was on his back. "Ouch, dont have to hit me." I smiled and fell back to sleep. I woke up to three voices going "Awe". I opened my eyes as much as I could and sat up a little on Grayson's back.

I rubbed my eyes yawning and looked infront of me. "Oh shit," I jumped from Grayson's back and fell face first into the floor. "Three fucking times my head has connected with the floor today. Three times." I rubbed my head and looked up to see Emerson crouching above me with a worried face. "Are you alright darling?" He grabbed my shoulders and slowly helped me get onto my feet. "God damn you're still so tall even when I'm in these platforms," I mumbled but Remington heard me. "Thats how our mama made us, shortie,"  I glared at him and started to dust off my clothes.

"So you two know each other?" Sebastian asked, I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms, "Not technically. I literally ran into him outside the venue and fell on my ass." They all chuckled except for Emerosn. He just started at the floor playing with one of his bracelets. Remington and Maddie started talking, along with Grayson and Sebastian. I nudged Emerson's side and whispered to him "Hey what the matter Emmy?" He just stared at me, some shock and amusement filling his eyes. "Did you really just call me 'Emmy'," he chuckled as I started to blush and look around trying to find a place to stare besides him.

"Uh, n-no I did n-not." I replied stuttering every so often. He just laughed more and ruffled my hair, "its fine, really. Ive just never been called that," now I was shocked. "No one has ever called you 'Emmy'?!" I exclaimed waving my arms around dramatically. He shook his head 'no' and put an arm over my shoulder. "Hey guys, we gotta start heading to the q+a and acoustic show. Should we bring these three backstage with us?" Remington and Sebastian nodded and lead us to the backstage area.

"Woah this stage is big," I said as we walked onto the stage. I twirled around and looked behind me to see only Emerson. He was standing in the doorway smirking at me, clearly holding back laughter might I add. "Hey what's funny!" I shouted to him. "Oh just the fact that you did that in front of about 45 other people in the crowd. "Oh fuck a flying duck." I turned around and looked out at the crowd standing there holdijg in their laughter. "Its fine, just laugh it out..." I sighed and put my head down kicking my foot against the floor a little bit.

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