Chapter 27

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(Victoria's POV)

"Nutella!" I yelled and heard a small purring nojse coming from the bunny.(yes bunnies can purr, along with guinea pogs and I believe hamsters) I guess he likes that name. I mean it makes sense for him. He has long wavy fur that was a chocolatey brown but with a few lighter patches in his fur. His eyes were a electric blue color though. They were extremely pretty, they were more blue than mine but a bit darker. My eyes can change colors but the main color is a light grey.

"I think that's a great name. Do you have supplies to take care of him on the road?" The nurse asked, I shook my head no and she walked out of the room and walked back in a few minutes later with a big box full of things. "In here is 2 bags of litter for the bottom of the cage, 1 bag of food, a water bottle, a mini home, and a few chews and toys that he can play around with." I nodded and stood up.

"Now this cage is special bevause it has a latch on both sides of the bottom which will let it be able to stay steady on any surface, even if its moving." I nodded and took my wallet out, taking out a hundred bill and tried handing ot to her but she declined saying that this was because of how badly he was hurt.

"Let me go get one of the guys to take that from you," I exclaimed and ran out of the room still holding Nutella. "I need one of the someone to help carry stuff for this little guy. We're taking him on tour that's final." I looked at all of them and they nodded. Remington and Sebastian got up and I guided them to the room I was just in. They each took half of the stuff that was in the big box and we left. "Thank you so much." I told the nurse as we were leaving. She nodded and smiled at me then left to go do something else.

"Lets go!" I yelled and we all started walking back tot he tour bus. Now, I have to figure out where I'm going to put his cage. I could put it in the instrument cart thing that attaches to the tour bus but then again its to lonely in there for him. The table in the living area is pretty big plus all its really ever used for is Emerson's drawings. The cage wouldnt take up that much space if we put it vertically on the side infront of the window.

"Hey Emerson, would you be cool with it if I put the cage on the table? It wont take up that much space so you can still use it to draw on." He nodded his head and said that it was fine if I did that. I smiled and we finally reached the bus after about 20 minutes. Yes Remington and I ran that far while I was chasing him. I brought Nutella to the back of the bus and put him on my bunk for now since he never moves that much he probably won't fall down.

"Sebastian, can you help me set the cage up?" I asked once him and Larisa were in the bus. He nodded and took the cage from Remington and opened it. "It can latch onto the sides so it won't fall off." We put it infront of the window and as I thought there was still plenty of space for Emerson to use for himself. I started putting the bedding/litter on the bottom of the cage, spreading it out so we didnt have to use as much.

I ran to my bag and grabbed this air freshener cone thing. You know those like air fresheners that you don't spray but their kinda like candles but you dont light them and they are in a cone shape? That's the thing. It was flower sented and I put it right infront of the cage since it will probably start to smell after about 6 days. I started putting all his food and water and toys and stuff inside and then put the cover on it. "Nutella! Your cage is done" I yelled as I ran back to my bunk to see him peacefully snuggling with my monkey. "Awee." I whispered and climbed the bunk so I could reach him. As I was trying to grab him I forgot I needed to hold onto something so I wouldn't fall and started to fall back. I waited for my head to hit the side of another bunk but it never did.

"Holy shit, are you okay Tori?" I heard a familiar voice say and I slowly opened my eyes to see Emerson face to face with me. I nodded and started to get up from his grip. I couldn't move any more because he pulled me into a bonr crushing hug.

"Dont scare me like that. Its bad enough you're always so clumsy and almost die every single day. I don't want you to actually die froma  stupid stunt like that." He whispered in my ear and I wrapped my arms laightly around his shoulders, my face showing shock since I didnt think he cared that much about me. "Promise me you'll try not to die." I smiled softly and hid my face him his neck as everyone was watching us sit on the floor holding each other. I hesitated slightly not knowing to exactly say.

"I promise Emmy, I promise."

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now