Chapter 11

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(Victoria's POV)

The next day..

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the brightness from the morning sunrise hit my face. I hide my face in the person I was cuddling neck. After I couldn't fall back asleep I decided to get up and walk over to the small balcony and watch the rest of the sunrise. I walked onto the balcony and sat down on the one chair that was on it staring out at the sunset. I took out my phone and took photos of it. It was a mix of orange and pink with a little bit of the sky starting to turn baby blue. I posted the photos on Instagram and tagged Luis in it.

The caption said "@/luisr6 am I good at taking photos yet?" Almost instantly I got hundreds of likes and a few comments. Luis commented on it saying "Don't tag me in shit this early in the morning. But yes we already know you're good with a camera so stop showing off." I liked the comment and put my phone down on the small coffee table next to the chair. I heard the door to the balcony open and looked up to see Emerson.

"Hey.." He said nervously rubbing his neck, "sorry about last night Vic." I smiled and got up to hug him but he beat me to it. He wraped his arms tightly around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist leaning my head on his bare chest. I started to blush as I realised he was just in a pair of blue boxers and his hair was a mess. He looked adorable like that. "Its fine Emmy, it really is." I whislered softly into his chest.

He moved me behind him and he sat down in the chair I was sitting in. He patted his lap and I gladly sat down laying my back against his chest and resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist so I wouldn't fall off of him and hit my head on the railing. Soon enough I heard light snoring coming from his mouth and he rested his head on top of mine. I took my phone and took a selfie with him so that if I ever needed to, I could blackmail him into doing something for me.

I giggled quietly and turned around on his lap so it was more comfortable for me. Surprisingly it didn't wake him up but he did wrap his arms tighter as if I was trying to leave.

I guess that I had fallen asleep as well because I heard people whispering around us that had woken me up. I opened my eyes slowly and yawned rubbing my eyes. I looked up to see Grayson, Sebastianb and Luis all standing there with a look of awe on their faces. Luis was of course holding the camera and more than likely recording. I started to blush as I felt Emerson move a little bit. He brought his arms up to my back and pulled me into his chest.

I looked at the boys and mouthed 'help' and they all slowly but surely walked off the balcony and shut the door.

"Did I just hear a lock locking," I said to no one in particular. I tried to get up but Emerson was restricting me from going anywhere at all. I shook his shoulders trying to wake him up and all he did was groan. "Emerson. Emerson, get up! I think they locked us out here," I shouted and it still didn't work. So I tried the last thing I could think of; tickling. I started to lightly tickle his sides and I heard small giggles come from his mouth and I started to giggle too. "Emerson, wake upp~" I whispered into his ear and finally his eyes shot open and he started to nonstop giggle.

"S-Stop it!" He slapped my hands away from his sides and stared at my piercing grey eyes with a goofy smile on his face. I smiled a small smile and got off his lap to try and open the door. It wouldn't budge. I started knocking on it but no one answered. I knocked louder and still, no answer. "Are we locked out?" Emerson asked and I felt him standing behind my small body. I nodded slowly and went immediately to my phone. I went into my contacts and pressed the call button on Remington's name.

"Remington, can you get Sebastian to give yoy my extra room key?" I said in a panic, "what's wrong Vic? Sure I'll ask him; just try to calm down." He yelled for Sebastian and started to talk to him but I couldn't understand what was going on. He hung up the call and soon enough I heard footsteps inside the room. I started to knock rapidly on the glass door and yell his name over and over again.

He whipped the curtains open and finally saw me and Emerson. He unlocked the door right away and I ran into his arms tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Shh, its okay Vic. You're perfectly fine." He stroked my hair and I heard mire footsteps coming from the door.

"Oh my god Victoria! I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to scare you." I heard Luis exclaim and I heard him rub towards me and Remington.

Looking at him I saw a worried expression on his face and I let go of Remington. I hugged Luis tightly and sobbed into his now orange shirt.  "I-Its fine. You d-didn't k-know." He restes his heas on top of mine and wrapped his arms around my shoulders tighter.

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon