Chapter 21

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(Victoria's POV)

"What happened?" I asked Anastasia and she blushed. She started to play witht he rings on her finger and I knew that meant it was something embarrassing yet kind of important. She looked up with her short brown hair flying everywhere. She looked around the bathroom clearly avoiding eye contact with us. I smiled and nudged Remington in the guts whispering to him, "it probably has to do with Daniel." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and then looked at Ana. She sighed and finally said that it was that had been bothering her.

"Daniel kissed my cheek." I looked at her a disappointed face. "Seriously, I thought it was gunna be like 'oh Daniel asked me out' or 'me and Daniel kissed.'" I said with a bored face and grabbed her and Remington's hand, dragging them both out of the girls restroom. Once we got out we came face to face with Shy and Emerson. They both gave us a weird look and I just shrugged.

"Long story short, I accidentally dragged Remington into the bathroom with me and Anastasia while she was trying to tell me something." They nodded and continued to talk. Emerson was leaning on the wall staring at her like she was the most amazing thing in the world. I sighed and pulled Remington and Ana back to the lounge area. I sat down on the couch with the other two following my movements. I held my head in my hand and just started off in the distance, daydreaming about multiple things at once. "Ahem," Remington cleard his throat to get my attention, I looked up at him, signaling for him to go on.

"So, do you have a thing for him?" He asked. I sighed once again, looking forward and nodded. "For almost 4 years." Anastasia said. I nodded once again and sat back throwing my arms between my legs. I must be pretty pathetic huh, everyone can tell I like him can't they. I looked around and my eyes landed on Emerson and Shy snogging each other. They looked like they were eating each others faces. I chuckled a little at that though and then looked back at Remington and Anastasia to see them staring at me with pity in their eyes.

"I dont need your guys pity. Dont look at me like that." I said and took out my phone and opened Twitter since my phone kept vibrating with tweets from Sebastian. "Sebastian, stop spamming me and everyone else who has your post notifications on!" I yelled at him with a annoyed groa at the end. He looked back at me and smirked, continuing to retweet things. I gave him the finger when he turned back around and turned off his post nonifacations.

It was about 5 minutes before the Palaye went on stage and I was just slugging around on the couch. I was laying there on the big red couch with my head in Anastasia's lap, her brushing my hair with her skinny hands. I took my phone out for the like hundredth time and just took lazy selfies. I made some stupid faces and some 'sexy' faces. Anastasia just laughed as I continued to to do this until Palaye started to go on. Emerson went out first after getting a goodbye kiss from Shy. He ran on and the crowd screamed, then went out Daniel and Sebaastian and last but not least, Remington.

"Come on, lets go watch from a secret place I found earlier." I said and grabbed her and leading her to a tunnel behind the stage. We went to the turn and went to the door on the right hand side. I opened it slowly and carefully so the crowd wouldnt notice and I snuck onto it and behind one of the amps on top of the speaker. I sat down and started to headbang, quietly singing along to Remington.

Right before Ma Chérie someone noticed me finally and yelled my name. Remington looked at me and signalled for me to come there. I facepalmed and slowly walked to him. Sebastian handed me a mic and as if on que, the lights dimmed, Emerson started to play the tambourine and came up behind me. He smiled at me and I just looked out at the crowd that I could barely see from the lights pointing to the stage. Remington started to sing the first verse and on the chorus he looked at me, guess that was my que to start singing as well, I did. He didn't sing the next verse, I did. It was one of the most embarrassing things because everyone in the crowd started to yell. I'm guessing that means I did good? I dont know.

"Never make me do this again you dipshit." I announced into the mic once the song was over. He just smiled and replied with. "Dont you worry, shortie. I will." I glared at him and threw Sebastian the mic which he caught and I went off stage, grabbing Anastasia as I did so.

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