Chapter 9

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(Victoria's POV)

After Sebastian and I had a long ass hug I decided to get out months hot tub and go check my Instagram for the first time since the night of the concert. I had gotten quite a few new bunch of followers, including all of Palaye and Luis. I only had about 6 posts on my Instagram and each one of those posts used to have about 100 likes each but now they have over 2000 likes. "Holy shit.." I went to the Palaye Royale Instagram and looked at their recent photos. There was a photo of me on top of Remington with Sebastian, Emerson, Maddie and Grayson just laughing at us, and there was a video of me and Sebastian cuddling while asleep.

The caption on photo said "Meet our new best friends! @/sxtxns.dxughter , @/grxyson_sxtxn , and @/mxddiethepxttie" I smiled and scrolled to see the comments. A lot of them were nice saying things like "awww Remington and Victoria look so cute!" Or "you guys look so happy all together" but then of course there were some mean ones like "those are my boys, not yours" or "fall in a ditch in die no one wants you".

I looked at the video and saw the caption, "Look at these two! They're adorable aren't they" and a lot of the comments on that were more towards shipping us together. I smiled softly at all the nice comments and shut off my phone. I heard people getting out of the water and didn't think really anything of it. That's was until I heard Remington start counting down from three. "3. 2. 1. GO EMERSON GO!" I soon felt arms pick me up and throw me into the pool.

I slowly came up to the surface, spitting out some water that had gotten into my mouth. "I hate you both so fucking much righg now." I snarled and saw Luis holding he camera trying to hold innhis laughter. "Whats so funny Luis!? Huh you were in on this too?" I yelled at him and he just bursted out laughing. They are going to pay for this.

I slowly walked up the steps that led into the pool and sat down in a chair in the outside lounge area and started to take cry. I 'sobbed' so loud that I heard Remington and Emerson's footsteps almost right away. "Are you okay Victoria? I didnt mean to hurt you!" Emerson pleaded warpping his arms around me. I just continued to fake cry and Remington wouldn't stop apologizing.  Finally I had enough faking and finally yelled "SIKE BITCHES YOU'VE JUST BEEN PRANKED," I snorted as I started laughing really loud. I have this weird laugh where after a certain amount of time laughing I just start to kind of squeal. Maddie says I sound like an ambulance.

"First of all, what the fuck is that laugh, second of all why would you do taht to us!" Remington shouted somewhat angrily. I stopped laughing and started to quiver. "I-I'm sorry, Rem-Remmie.." I muttered starting to shake as real tears rolled down my face. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I wrapped my legs around their waist. "I will talk to you two, about this, later." I recognised the voice to be Sebastian's and I mumbled a small "Thank you Sebby," and hid my face in his neck.

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