Chapter 22

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(Victoria's POV)

Everyone finally came off stage about 4 songs after my performance and remington ran up to me shirtless and all sweaty. You can guess what happened next, he hugged me. "Get off of me you sweaty beast!" I yelled and tried to push him away but failed since he just kept holding onto me. "Stop struggling, please Vic." He whispered sounding nervous and a bit annoyed. I looked up at him and stopped. He was staring off in the distance, glaring at something but I couldn't tell what. If he had his glasses on I would've been able to see what but sadly he didn't. He never does when he performs. "Fine, if you say so." I said and just wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head just below his chest.

He finally let go and walked me and him over to the bar. He grabbed one shot each for us and we took them on the count of 3. How can he not be affected by the burning of the whiskey, it always gets me. He smirked as I did a dace from the burning and chuckled leaning his arm on the bar counter staring at me. I got nervous from his staring and just started to look anywhere but his face, I landed on Emerson and Shy talking to each other on the red couch. Emerson's arm around her shoulders in a loving way.

"Hey, just ignore them. She is only going to be here for the LA and Mexico shows because she has work. Don't worry, you got me, Sebastian, Daniel and Luis to talk to and hang out with." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled softly. "Thanks." I replied and asked the bartender for a cola, he nodded and went right to making it for me. "How long is this tour again Remmie?" I asked as I mouthed a 'thank you' to the bartender while taking the coke from his hand.

"Um, I think about 3 months and then we're going to open for another band until like maybe April. We'll probably have a short break after that but then go on tour. You're welcome to come with us anytime plus it can help with your jobs." He finished talking and I nodded thinking about all the money I could make from traveling and taking photos, plus all the drawings I can do while in different cities/countries.

Now I'm not all about the money, I love my job I truly do. But if you haven't noticed, clothes are so fucking expensive these days like holy shit. Now a shirt from hot topic is like 25 bucks. For one t-shirt! I could make my own with that money like what the fuck. And I ain't rich either so I cant be spending like hundreds of dollars on clothes. Unless its something I've been wanting for a long ass time. Like Big Daddy.

"We gotta get going, were heading to Mexico next!" Sebastian yelled and wrapped his arm around his current girlfriend, Larisa. I haven't introduced myself to her yet but she seems really nice and a good match for Sebastian. Remington's girlfriend is going to meet with us in Mexico and then her, Larisa and Shy are coming with us to soke parts of Europe as well. They wont be with us for long though since all 3 have other jobs. "Lets go then, I wanna see Mexico!" I screamed and ran out of the venue and to the tour bus. I got my bag and made sure everything was good in it.

I decided to change my outfit since we will be flying and I want to be comfortable since in going to sleep on the plane. I changed into a adult sized llama onsie and took my teddy bear out from my bag since I brought her everywhere. She wasn't really a 'teddy bear' per say. She was a monkey. Her name is Chi Chi. Ive had her since 6th grade on valentines day. My parents got me her. I heard a camera snap as I was looking at my phone. I looked up and saw Luis holding his camera at me. I just shrugged and continued to scroll through Instagram. "Is that what youre wearing on the plane?" I heard him ask and I just nodded my head. I changed out of my platforms and put a new pair of socks on, as well as my slides since the onsie didnt have feet.

"Were almost there so grab your stuff Vic." I nodded and walked back to my bunk and grabbed everything I needed. I double checked to make sure I had everything once off the bus and I was proud to say I did. We got ontot he plane without a problem and I was sitting between Remington and Luis. Boy will this be a flight.

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