Chapter 26

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(Victoria's POV) (warning, blood/gore of animal thing idk how explain it but if you dont like that don't read until I do a line thing like this

"R-Remington!" I screamed and he stopped and looked back at me in worry. "What? Are you hurt? What happ-" he stopped talking when he saw what I was staring at. A small bunny with only one eye, the other gushing out blood. "We need to get it to a emergency room right now!" I screamed and picked it up. I took my shirt off so that I was just in my sports bra and put the shirt on its eye to try and co from the blood flow. "Call Sebastian!" I yelled and I pulled out my phone looking for directions to the closest vet. 5 minutes walking, so half the time of running so about 2 and a half minutes.

"Just follow me while you're calling him," he nodded and I started to run the fastest I ever had and dodged people and even cars. Im not going to let this bunny die on me, its still seems to be really young. The vet place finally came in my sight and I ran even faster to the door. Luckily it was about 11 am now so they were open. I ran in the doors and started yelling if anyone knew English. One nurse rose her hand and came running towards me.

"Whats wrong?" She asked frantically. I looked down and took my shirt off the poor bunnies eye and she gasped. "Quickly, follow me." I nodded and walked behind her as fast as I could. "Set her down and hold her back so I can give her an anaesthetic." I did what she asked and she used a needle shooting what I'm guessing was either numbing juice stuff or something to make her sleep.


"Go wait in the lobby please ma'am." I nodded and left as some more nurses came in and the women who brought me int here started yelling orders to them. I rubbed my head as I walked out to the lobby to see Remington there already, sitting in a chair holding his head with one hand and had his phone on his ear in the other. I smiled weakly at him as I sat down next to him. He finsihed talking to whoever it was and looked at me. "Is it okay?" I shrugged and replied with "I don't know, we'll have to wait and see."

After about half an hour the guys and even the girls came running into the vet. I stood up and walked over to Luis. I didn't care if I still only had a sport bra on, I needed a hug right now. I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso and rested my head on his chest. He slowly wrapped his arms around my shoulders as well and started rubbing my back for extra comfort. "Hey, it'll be okay. The bunny will be fine." He whispered in my ear and I just nodded slightly.

Tears were in my eyes as I tried to not think about the poor little guy. "Come on lets go sit down and here," he started taking his hoodie off, " take my hoodie for now." I nodded my head and slipped his hoodie over my head. It was really big on me but I liked it, plus it was extremely warm and I was freezing.

"Do you wanna post on your story about him or something?" He asked as he grabbed my phone from my hand. I nodded and he took a selfie of us together. "Put the caption, "at the vet waiting for a little bunny we found" and then just post it." He nodded and did as told. We wait for what seemed like years but really it was only about 2 hours. The nurse finally came back in and called me over to her.

"Yes?" I asked looking her in the eyes. She started to smile softly, giving me hope. "He's fine, we gave him an eyepatch and he will have to heal for a few months," I smiled widely at this, "then you will have to take him back here so we can check up on him." My smiled faded as I realised we wouldnt be here for months. I started to get a little nervous and said, "well you see, I'm on tour with a band so we wont be here for months." She nodded and wrote down something on a piece of paper and gave it to me.

"In about 2 months go to a close vet and ask them to do what I wrote on that paper okay?" She sighed and I nodded. We walked to the room the bunny was in and I ran up to him. "Hey there buddy! Glad you're feeling better." I said and picked him up like a baby. "We already gave him shots and all of that for disease and he turned out clear. So, what are you going to name him?" The lady asked. I shrugged and sat down on the floor petting him while he sat in my lap.


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