Chapter 37

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(Victoria's POV)

"Lets go here!" I yelled pointing to a near by park. Yes we have been going to parks a lot but I've always found joy at them. Even if I have some bad memories at some they are always all different anyway. He smiled at my excitement and we walked over there hand in hand. There were quite a few cherry blossom trees whose leaves were blowing off. This would be perfect for a picture. "Take a picture Emerson!" I exclaimed and did a few different poses.

"Do you like them?" He asked and showed me the pictures on my phone. I smiled happy with the results. I nodded my head after looking at all of them. Then he did something I never even expected. He went up to a COMPLETE stranger and asked for them to take a picture of me and him. The man said yes and took my phone in his hands. Emerson turned around and jogged over toward me with his infamous smile.

"Did you... You did... Oh my god." I mumbled as he was nodded his head at me smiling. I held my head down in embarrassment and he lifted it up with his pointer finger. "Hey, its okay. You dont have to show anyone it. It could just be our little secret." He winked at me with a small smile. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and a smile form on my face.

"Are you two good?" The foreign man asked as he looked at us, holding the phone. Emerson nodded and pulled my close to him. He snaked his arm around my waist and rested his head on my head. I was shocked at first but I soon rested my head on his chest and snaked my arms around his torso. I heard the snap of the camera and pulled away. I jogged up to the man and took my phone after bowing my head as a thanks. I looked at the photo and we looked like a fucking couple. I mean I cant lie, we looked nice together, but still. I felt a arm wrap around my waist and light breathing near my ear. I felt my cheeks grow bright once again.

"We look nice together Vic." He cooed in my ear like a whisper. I felt a shiver go down my spine and the hairs on my arm started to stand slightly. I shook my head slightly and he did a breathy chcukling and started walking. Never letting go of letting go of my waist once. He took me on a 'tour' of Berlin. Well the parts that he knew most about really. Not once did we find the guys or girls and it was starting to worry me slightly.

We spent the rest of the day just wandering around really. We stopped to get a few street snacks as we saw them but other than that we just hung out. We laughed and talked about a bunch of random shit and at times we even got deep while talking about our pasts. Of course I didn't go into as much detail that he did since my past is pretty rough. I think he may have noticed that I got pretty conservative while talking about that stuff. He didn't seem to mind though.

"We should start heading back to the bus. Its getting late Emmy." I said looking up from my phone. He nodded smiling at me and grabbed my hand. He was finally able to do that without me turing into a tomato since we had been close together practically the whole day. As we got closer to the bus I tried to pull my hand away since I didn't want the guys to get any ideas but Emerson's grip just held on tighter. I glared up at him and he just smiled while looking forward. I pouted and continued to walk with him. Once we were right outside the door I tried to let go once more but he just intertwined our hands, so it was even harder for my hand to slip away.

"Come in!" I heard Sebastian yell since I'm pretty sure he knew it was us. Emerson opened the door and started draghing me in with him. I started to his his hand and give him the death, stare mouthing things to him. I kept doing this until we got fully inside. I looked up and saw everyone there staring at us with small smiles on their faces. I shook my hair out of my eyes and stood up straight. Everyone stared at our hands and I just glared up at Emerson again.

"Oh stop complaining Vic. You know you love it!" Remington said and wiggled his eyebrows causing the whole bus execpt me Emerson and I to laugh. We just stood there with shock on our faces, our faces red as roses too. I took this as my way of escape and snatched my hand away from his and ran to my bunk jumping onto it.

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