Chapter 16

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(Victoria's POV)

After about an hour of trying to figure a way to get out, they finally decided that they could try and pull me off of Remington by the legs and then do the same with Remington. It worked pretty fine with me, but Remington well, not so much. We tried for about an hour before we had to call 911 and to tell you the truth, the phone call was extremely awkward and panicked. Sebastian called them and was freaking out because he thought Remington wouldn't come out and then they would never be able to perform again because he would die in the slide. 

"Sebastian look, he's fine," I said and pointed into the direction Remington was, he was slowly wobbling over to us. I ran over to him and even though I'm small, I can still be useful. I put his arm over my shoulder and my other arm around his waist to give him more support. I looked up at him and smiled a little bit and helped him walk. Emerson ran over and helped me with him. He put his arm over mine on Remington's waist. We walked him over to a close by the park bench and set him down. 

"You okay Remmie?" I looked at him as I sat down next to him, worry washing over my face like a huge tidal wave. He nodded slightly and groaned putting his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and patted his head. I looked up to see Luis holding the go-pro and recording us. I smiled softly at the camera and turned to Remington one last time before I called Sebastian over, "Sebby, can you carry him to my car and put him in the back seat lying down?" he nodded and took him out of my arms and over to my car. I followed behind them slowly and once I got to the car I went into the front seat and looked behind me and saw the pain on his face.

"Do you think I can still perform?" he looked up with me with such a sad face that it made me want to start crying. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed turning back around in my seat. Taking out my phone I clicked the call button and called Luis. He picked up just as he was walking over to the car and I mumbled a nevermind. He came to the passenger's side and got in slowly, looking in the rear view mirror to see how Remington was doing. 

"Rem, do you want a blanket or water," I looked back again and he nodded his head. I went over to the glove box and took out my emergency blanket and handed it to Remington. I got out the car and went to the trunk and opened it, looking around the mess of a trunk my car is. It had a bunch of things ranging from pillows to small tents. I finally found my cooler where I keep emergency snacks and water. I grabbed a bottle of water and quickly went back into the car giving it to Remington. "Sit up so you don't drown yourself on accident with the water."

He sat up and we all drove to the hotel. Luis and I helped Remington to my room and I quickly left to go to a store near our hotel that was in walking distance. Once I got there I got 2 bags of rice, a box of plastic sandwich bags, and a few wash cloths. I payed for them and walked back to the hotel. I walked into my bathroom turning on the hot water until it was steaming hot and pluged the hole with a random thing I found. I put rice in a few of the baggies and put them in the water along with the cloths and left them there for about 5 minutes.

After the 5 minutes of waiting I took out the cloths and squeezed them a bit so almost all of the water came out and warpped the baggies in them. I took two ibruphrophin from my emergency kit and a bottle of water. I walked out the bathroom to see Remington laying down on the bed I sleep in and holding a pillow.

"Does it hurt this bad?" I said with true concern in my voice. He just nodded with a look of agonizing pain on his face. I sighed and walked over to him. I asked him where the pain was the worst and he said his hip where I guess makes sense since that where he was stuck. "Take off your pants, not underwear just pants and lay back down on your side. You can take your shirt off too if that will be more comfy." I said and he nodded, I turned away and until I heard the bed move and I walked over to the side of the bed. I put one of the cloths under the side of his pink boxers on the area it hurt and put the other cloth on his head. I gave him the two ibruphrophin and told him to rest for about a half an hour to an hour and just watch something on my laptop.

"You sure this will help him?" I looked behind me where the voice was coming from and saw Sebastian, Emerson and Daniel all standing there with worried faces. I nodded my head and walked past them, signalling for them to follow me. We got into the hall and I started to explain why I did that. "You see ever since I was little I always had like ideas about healing other people and tried them on myself, grant you most of the time they didn't work and only made me worse but this is the one thing that actually helped me whenever I went to like Warped Tour and didn't sit down at all and my legs, shoulders, and neck killed me." They all had a look telling me to go on, almost as if they were proud of me for some reason.

"So the rice makes the heat last a lot longer than it normally would if I just gave him a cloth with warm water on it. Plus heat helps release pain from muscle joints when you for example were working out for a long time or strained something. Then ibruphrophin is made for like muscle pain and headaches so that does some work on the joint too." I finished explaining and they all nodded their head finally understanding. I looked up at them to see a look almost like that look someone you are close with gives you when you do something that makes them proud. Y'know what I mean right?

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