Chapter 46

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(Victoria's POV)

We walked off the stage, Remington and I last off. I walked up to Emerson as he was facing a window and slapped the back of his head. "You could've TOLD me you were gunna do that!" I yelled, pouting I crossed my arms over my chest. He looked behind me with pure amusement on his face. "You're so cute," he replied. I felt his hand grace my cheek as he put a strand hair behind my ear and smiled at me. I smiled softly and blushed. "Hey, lovebirds! get a room," Luis shouted at us and I whipped my head around, giving him the finger. Smiling I turned back around and stood up on my tip toes, and pecked his lips slightly. Now it was his turn to blush like a madman.

"Ima go feed Nutella dnand the turtle." I said skipping off to the tour bus. I went to the fridge and got lettuce for the turtle and carrots for Nutella. "Here you go guys. Eat up," I mumbled petting their heads softly and closing the cage. I looked at the door right as it slammed open to a hyper Remington.

"Wanna watch Harry Potter?" He yelled with a goofy smile on his face. My face lit up and I started jumping up and down. "Yes I do!" I shouted and ran to the cabinets getting a bag of popcorn, then to the fridge and got 4 Monsters. "Ready?" I asked as Remington sat on the couch with a Nutella hoodie on and boxers. "Ready," he replied. I threw him the food as I ran to my suit case and into the bathroom. I changed into a more comfortable outfit and then ran out of the bathroom and jumped on the couch. "Are you seriously going to wear combat boots while watching a movie?" Remington asked nodding his head to my boots. I shook my head and untied them, kicking them off my feet. We put on the first Harry Potter movie and sat while eating popcorn and drinking monster.

"NOOO!" I yelled right as the tour bus door opened and Voldemort was about to grab Harry. "Lower your voice Vic!" Emerson yelled and threw off his coat. I looked behind me and glared at him. "Go sleep cranky head." I replied and he just stuck his tounge out at me and took off his shirt. My face turned red and I looked away extremely fast.

"Someone's blushing!" Remington whispered and poked my cheeks smiling at me. I stuck my tounge out at him. What he did next I never expected. He licked my fucking tounge. "EW WHAT THE FUCK REMINGTON!" I screamed and slapped his shoulder while he just laughed like a maniac. "What did he do now?" Sebastian asked walking through the door. "HE LICKED MY FUCKING TOUNGE!" I yelled turning to Sebastian. Disgust washed over his face as he looked at his younger brother. "Gross ass," he mumbled and walked to the bathroom.

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