Chapter 29

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(Victoria's POV)

Remington and I did our own little acoustic show with just the bands and crew watching us. It was nice to finally sing for others instead of by myself. I was getting more and more comfortable with my voice every time I sang in front of others or with others since in not all that great at it. What I didn't know was that Luis was recording us and today is Royal Television. Yes, he uploads the later footage but that doesn't mean he won't add this part in at the end of the beginning of it.

We finished the song and everyone started clapping. Remington pulled me into his chest hugging me tightly and I just stayed there smiling with a bright red face. "You did great," Remington whispered in my ear as he pats my back and let me go. I sat there still though. I was just looking at my hands and playing with my thumbs nervous to look up at anyone in fear that they may be disgusted by my voice.

"Come on, get up." I heard Sebastian say and then I felt arms wrap around my waist lifting me up. I just stayed limp though, looking at the floor. "Are you okay Vic?" He questioned me and he set me down on a couch in the dressing room. I felt the seat beside me sink in, indicating he sat down. I shook my head yes and pulled out my phone and opened a game.

"You sounded really good, you know that right?" He quietly said to me. I shook my head slightly and just continued to play the game I was on. "Well you were." I then felt the space next to me move again and then hewrd footsteps walking away.


Its finally time for Palaye to go on the stage. What I wasn't expecting was that I would be on stage WITH them. "Comd on Vic, youre performing tonight with us." I heard Remington yell as Emerson went on stage. I shot my head up in panic and then felt me being lifted up and onto someone's shoulder. I could easily tell it was Sebastian because of his suit. He walked out on stage with me on him and once out there I heard people scream my name. Sebastian put me down and handed me a mic.

"Are you serious about this shit?" I said into the mic on accident once Remington came out and started singing. I decided I would go along with it and started singing Don't Feel Quite Right along with him. After a bit of the singing the song I started to get really into it and danced along with Remington. I even went towards the crowd and held some of their hands which they gladly took. Ive always wanted to do this and I'm happy I'm getting to do it with my favorite band of all time.

"This is the first time Victoria is performing for a crowd, has she been doing a good job everyone?" Remington yelled into the mic after we sang 2 songs and everyone in the crowd screamed a yes. It made me smile really wide and I said a small "thank you" into the mic which made everyone awe. "Now, this song is called Dying In A Hot Tub!" He yelled again and everyone screamed, along with me slightly. Its one of my favorite songs ever. Second favorite really, Ma Chérie is first.

We did the rest of the set list leading up to Ma Chérie. I sat was about to sit on the ground when I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up onto their shoulders. I recognised the that and realized it was Emerson. I smiled slightly as everyone was holding their cameras towards us and scream. The first strum of the guitar started and then Remington and I sang the way we did during the acoustic earlier.

"I can’t seem to make you smile anymore," Remington sang and I hummed along until we got to the chorus. "Ma Chérie, oh time wont be enough to make you fall in love with me," he and I sang in perfect harmony. Even though our voices were very different they still sounded amazing together even if I didnt like my own voice that much.

During the rest of the chorus, Emerson started walking around to the middle of Sebastian and Remington causing me to freak out about falling and wrapping my hands around his neck until he stopped moving. I felt his body move slightly indicating that he was chuckling a little bit.

"I cant seem to make you love me today, oh today," I sang the start of the second verse and the crowd sang along with me. I loved this feeling of being on stage and performing for others. If these guys never (literally) brought me up here then I would have NEVER decided to perform for a large crowd again ever since that one day Remington brought me on stage before.

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