Chapter 12

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(Victoria's POV)

"Hey Victoria! Guess what," I looked behind me and saw Sebastian running down the hall towards me. I was about to go and get some things from the mall since I hadn't been there in a long time. I closed the door and checked my outfit to see if it looked nice since I had been in a rush to get out of the hotel room. I was wearing a black Twenty One Pilots hoodie crop top, fishnet leggings that went up to my mid belly, and shorts that went up to my mid thigh. Plus my platform combat boots.

"What?" I looked up at him with a small smile and he said, "our manager is letting you guys come with us!" I smiled and started to jump up and down excitedly. Then I stopped, realising I probably would be the only one going since Maddie and Grayson would want to go home. You may be wondering what I do for work, well I'm actually a professional artist and photographer. So I really just need to travel or stay at home to work but my friends are both doctors.

"Well, I don't think Maddie and Grayson could go.. They have to go back to work tomorrow." I looked down with a frown and Sebastian just sighed. "Well you can just come if you want, but if you have to go back to work then you can. Speaking of what do you do for a living?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder and we started walking to his and Daniel's room.

"Well..I'm a professional artist and professional photographer." I looked up at him and he just smirked lightly and looked down at me. "So you lied to Luis about not knoeing how to work a camera?" He said more as a statement than a question. I nodded and he rand to Luis and Remington's room.

"LUISSSS," Sebastian yelled and he knocked on the door rapidly. Luckily it was afternoon so a lot of people in this hotel were probably out somewhere. He opened the door right as I got to Sebastian and I ran inside tackling Luis to the floor and covered his ears. "DONT LISTEN TO SEBASTIAN LUIS!" I yelled and felt arms pick me up. "Let me go!" I started to squirm and finslly I was let down.

"Victoria knew how to work the camera all along. She is a professional artist and photographer!" Sebastian yelled before I could stop him. I started to stomp over to Sebastian but I felt arms wrap around my waist to stop me. So in the end I just gave him the finger. "Fuck you bitch." I spat and looked away.

I was put into someone's lap and I looked up to see Daniel looking at the two of us with amusment in his eyes. I didnt talk to Daniel that much but as we had all started to hang out more I started to call him at night when I couldn't sleep and just talk about random shit until Sebastian yelled at him to shut up. "Can I go to the mall now." I said annoyed that I havent already left. I want Chinese food really fucking bad. All three of their eyes lit up and they all shouted, "can I come!" I nodded and got off Daniel's lap.

"Should we ask Emerson and all them?" I asked looking behind me as I walked to the door leading to the hallway. "Ill call them and ask if they want to come," Sebastian said grabbing his phone from his suit pocket. After around 5 minutes of calling everyone, everyoke was here. Even Shy standing next to Emerson holding his waist and his arm draped over her shoulder. "Everyone ready," they all nodded yes, "then lets go!" I shouted and ran down the hall with Remington following close behind me.

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin