Chapter 32

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(Victoria's POV)

I ran for probably 2 hours without getting tired. I nonstop cried as well. Now I'm sitting in a park near a lake crying on a bench. The tears just won't stop coming no matter what I do. Now it was around 3:30 in the afternoon since we had ended practice at 1:30. My phone rang for probably the 100th time since I ran out. I wasn't going to answer it, but I can't lie that I'm curious who it is exactly. I took my phone out slowly so the person who was calling would end and then looked at the messages and missed calls I had. I had 18 missed calls from Remington and 42 messages, 22 calls from Sebastian and 37 messages, 16 calls from Luis and Nick, then 37 calls and 68 messages and counting from Emerson. Do they actually care this much? I finally decided to call Luis.

"Oh my god, Victoria where the fuck are you?" he yelled and then I heard a bunch of movement and yelling from the background. "I-I don't really k-know." He sighed. "Send me your location, I'll get an uber." I nodded even thought he couldn't see me and sent him the location. After about 25 minutes he came running towards me with Sebastian at his side. I was sad that Emerson wasn't there for some reason, I mean he was the one who made me this sad.

"Come here baby girl," Sebastian said using the nickname he had been using. It made me cringe because it was like a dad thing. He picked me up like a little kid and I just hid my face in his shoulder pad. We got back to the black uber and Sebastian sat in the back with me in his lap. My eyes slowly started getting heavier and heavier with every breath I took and eventually closed completely.


I slowly woke up to realize I was still holding onto someone.I knew it wasn't Sebastian though, I couldn't feel his shoulder pad or even bare shoulder. "You are going to apologize to her when she wakes up, I hope you knoe that." I heard Sebastian say from afar. "Yes, I know," Emerson replied. He sounded closer but I knew he wasnt the one I was laying on. Maybe it was Remington or Luis.

"She was just trying to help you right," Remington finally said and I was correct with who I was on. I'm guess Emerson nodded because they all just stayed pretty quiet after beside the chatter from them talking to their girlfriends or the clicking of their phones. I slowly started to 'wake up' and sit up too. I yawned stretching my arms slightly.

"Aye the baby is awake." Sebastian said smiling at me. I smiled slightly and looked around at everyone. They all stared at me and Emerson, going back and forth between us. Emerson cleared his throat and motioned for me to follow him. I nodded my head slightly and stood up follwoing him outside the bus and to the back so no one could see us.

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I was just...I was just mad okay. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I didn't even thin-" I cut him off by hugging him tightly and he just sighed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, resting his chin on my head.

"Its fine Emerson. I understand better now. I shouldn't have overreacted the way I did." I said into his torso. He kissed the top of my head as we were pulling away and I blushed slightly.  I think he noticed because I saw a smirk form on his face but it went away almost as fast as it came on. We walked back into the bus and I went to my bunk to charge my phone. I put my phone on charge and then turned around to meet someone's chest. I look up and saw Luis. I smiled up at him and then hugged his waist and he returned the favour.

"Want to go get something to eat before we gotta head to Berlin?" He asked as we let go of the hug. I nodded my head yes fast because I was STARVING. It was now 11:30 at night and I hadn't ate since... I don't even remember. Luis and I decided to find the closest fast food place and since he was fluent in Spanish he did all the talking to rhe waiter peoples. I got a quesadilla with apple juice and Luis got some sort of chalupa taco salad thing with a beer.

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