Important A/N

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Hey so guys dont worry I'm not ending the book or anything yet BUT there is an issue I would like to talk about. So some of you may know and/or have heard of the band called Bring Me The Horizon well last night as of 12/01/18 2 people DIED at their concert. Now in no way was this the bands fault but it was the venues fault. That venue had over 10,000 people in there and only NINE security guards. That isnt a good ratio. 10k to 9, that is hardly ANYTHING. And not to mentiont he people who died last night were CHILDREN. The members were informed of the situation after the show was done and they were shocked. I mean anyone would be right? The band tweeted that they were very sorry for the families of the children as if it was THEIR fault that it happened. It wasn't. The venues al over the world, not just the country should have a good ratio of security depending on how many people will be at the performance or even that is taking place no MATTER what. Those two kids were in the moshpit yes, but s fandom is a family. If you see someone fall down you should help them up and make sure they're okay, not just continue to jump around and stomp on them while doing so. So please, if you are ever at a show and in a moshpit or even up on the balcony. If you see someone hurt, fall, or in any sort of danger please go and HELP them so nothing like what happened last night will ever happen again. Cause you never know, instead of those two it could have been one of your family members or close friend.

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now