Chapter 45

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(Victoria's POV)

I changed before the performance so that I would be more comfortable performing. Of course I did need help, so I asked one of the girls working for the venue on crew to help. She gladly did since I was in a pretty bad condition. For the performance I had to sit down for the majority of it because of my ankle. We were singing Mr Doctor Man and Remington was dancing along the stage. Daniel came over to me every now and then and gave me a high five. Everytime he did, I smiled wide.

I decided I should try and walk so I walked to the side of the stage Remington wasn't dancing on and sang to the crowd. Some of them screamed, some of them reached out for me. Some of them just glared at me like I killed their families. I didn't mind it though, I learned to accept that most people will hate me no matter what I say or do.

"Chemically, its running through my veins you see," Remington and I sang as we switched sides. My ankle was starting to feel better. Of course it still hurts A LOT, but it feels better than it did earlier. Earlier I couldnt even stand up without shouting in pain. I high fives people in the crowd as they stop I out their hand for me.

Now its just about time to perform Ma Chérie. I looked up at the crowd and they all had the red paper roses over their flashlights. I smiled at the sight of it. "Hey Vic, come up here." Remington said into the mic, and looked behind so that he could see me. I nodded my head and stood up, slightly wincing from the pain of my ankle. I was about to fall but I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist and catching me. Looking I saw Emerson's infamous smile. Blushing I stood up right as the crowd awed. We walked up to the front of the stage with the rest of the guys.

Sebastian started the song and Remington sane the first part, "I can't seem to make you smile anymore, anymore. What happened to the dresses you wore before, wore before?" He looked at me and I smiled, "I see I see you dancing tonight, under under, his street light. I see, you're drifting away from me. Baby" I sang right after. "Ma Chérie, time wont be enough to make you fall in love with me, the needle or me..." We carried on singing until near the end of the song where I felt someone turn me to face them. I looked up and saw Emerson mouthing the words as Remington and I sang them.

"The needle or me," he started to sing the lyrics with me as Remington stopped. He sang them into the mic as well. "Want to hold you in my arms, but you want nothing to do with me," I got lost in his eyes and I could feel everyone watching us. He slowly leaned in, just like he had done earlier this night on the Eiffel Tower. "Ma Chérie," we finished and then he smashed his lips onto mine. The crowd screamed.

"That's my man!" Remington yelled into the mic, saying woohoo after. I smiled into the kiss and gave Remington the finger. "How rude." He whispered into the mic. Finally Emerson let go and poked me on the nose. I watched as he walked to his drum set and sat down on the stool. I walked over to the amp I had been sitting on before and sat on it again. Why does he have to be like this? Like he could have at least TOLD me before he did it. Now everyone in the Royal Council will know because I'm sure at least one person in the crowd recorded it from either earlier or just now.

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