Chapter 14

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(Victoria's POV)

After the movie was over I wouldnt let go of Luis. I was a s jumpy as ever, every little thing I didnt know was going to touch me, come near me, etc I jumped at and squeled holding on tighter to Luis. I shouldnt have agreed to watch that movie. Why did I agree to watch that fucking movie?! I'm probably going to have to sleep in someone else's bed tonight since Maddie and Grayson sleep on the same bed. If you couldn't tell already, Maddie and Grayson are dating. They havr been for about 2 and a half years now.

"Are you hungry Vic?" I looked up at Sebastain and nodded slightly. He smiled a little and grabbed my hand pulling me away from Luis. We were running to the food court really fast. We may have knocked some things off those stands with the weird people that work at them too...

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as we finally came to a stop right infront of the many food stands. I thought for a second before finally remembering what I had came here for in the first place.

"Chinese food!" I yelled and started to jump up and down like a child. He chuckled and nodded his head taking my hand and leading us over to the Chinese food stand. We ordered what we wanted and I got a couple pairs of chopsticks. I collect them for whenever I eat rice or ramen. Don't judge! They're free here and plus I lose everything so I would have to buy like 10 different pairs of chopsticks.

We found an empty table and I put my bags down in the chair next to me, saving the spot for Luis or maybe Emerson. Soon enough everyone was sitting at the table with Sebastian and I eating their food. Luis took the spot next to me and Emerson sat with Shy near the end of the other side of the table. I used my chopsticks to eat and it was the first time I actually ate with chopsticks without a problem! I'm getting good at this shit.

"So, how's your food Tor?" Luis asked nudging my arm. I looked up at him with food in my mouth and smiled a little. He chuckled and took out his phone, taking a picture of me. "Haha, you look like a chipmunk." He said showing me the picture. I looked as ugly as ever but before I could protest he posted it to his Instagram story.

I slapped his shoulder and swallowed the clump of food I had in my mouth. "I looked so ugly in that picture! Why would you post it?" I exclaimed and he looked surprised.

"You looked adorable, how could you think you looked ugly?" He said softly putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. He had a puzzled look on his face and I just sighed saying a quiet "nevermind." and continued to eat my food. Once all of us were done we started walking to the cars we took here.

Obviously Luis, Sebastian, Remington and I took Big Daddy while the rest of them took the van they rented for the past few weeks. We drove back to the hotel with the hood down and blasted music. We sang the songs at the top of our lungs as the sun started setting giving off a pink-reddish tone.

"Red sky at night means a sailors delight," I said over the music and got strange looks from the boys. "My nana used to say that to me every time we went to get doughboys during summer right before sunset. It means that it will be a nice day tomorrow." I explained to the boys and they all nodded in understanding. We continued to sing until we reached the hotel. We got out of the car and put thr roof back up so nobody would try to steal my baby.

"Night Big Daddy, I love you baby." I cooed to my car, kissing the front of it. I pat it and turned around to face the boys. They all had questioning looks on their faces.

"You named your car.. Big Daddy?" Remington said slowly making sure he got it right. I nodded my head with a huge smile on my face. "At first it was a joke but then the name stuck. Dont worry, Maddie and Grayson still give me rude comments about my car to this day saying that it was 'too expensive' or that it was a 'waste of money'."

I looked around for the van and it just turned the corner into the parking lot of the hotel. I waved at the van as they drove past us to find a parking space. I started to jog to where they parked and heard footsteps behind me. They sounded like heels so I guessed it was Sebastian. I was correct.

"How much was your car," he asked genuine curiosity in his voice. I thought about it for a second trying to remember the exact price of my baby. "Uh, 150,975 dollars." I replied like it wasn't that expensive. I mean it isntd cars like tesla's and g-wagons are like 300k-600k+. Plus I dont have to pay it off since I bought it, all I have to do is pay insurance which isn't a lot. Only 435 bucks a month.

"That's a lot isn't it? I mean you could have bought a house with that much money. A pretty decent sized one too," he looked at me shocked as I shook my head. "It was a lot of money but it was for something that I wanted. I've wanted that exact car since I was 12, I'm 19 now go that's 7 years. If I hadn't been wanting it for that long then I wouldn't have bought the car and I would've bought a hosue like you had said. People always think that I dont know what I'm doing when really I do. Everything I do and or say has a reason to it even if I don't ever explain the reason to it." I replied with a little bit of venom in my voice since I was getting annoyed with all the questions he was asking. I guess he could tell because he stopped asking things, and even talking after I said that statement.

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