Chapter 49

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(Victoria's POV)

I'm going to ask him what happened later on tonight. Probably after the show. I hope everything is going okay between him and his girlfriend. I walked up to Esdrizabeth and poked her shoulder. We were already outside the venue we were going to be playing at.

"Yes?" She asked, turning around from her phone and facing me. I smiled up at her. Why did everyone have to be so much taller than me. Better question, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO SHORT?

"You wanna go find a store and get snacks?" I offered to her. She nodded, smiling back at me. "Hey Remington!" I yelled getying his attention, "Take her bag onto the bus please. Were going to find food." He nodded and came running up to us. "Go to a bank or something first so yo can get money. We arent in America anymore." He replied looking us up and down, staring at Esdrizabeth for a longer amount of time making both him and her blush. I facepalmed, embarrassed for the both of them.

"So where are you from? I haven't heard youre name before." I asked as we walked along the street, following the GPS to the nearest international bank. "I'm from Dominican Republic. I moved to America a few years ago. The annoying thing is that my accent is still audible." She replied looked down at our shoes as we walked. "Well it takes a long ass time to gain a accent from another country even after years of living there. Well for most people. Some people get lucky and develop one after a few months." I said looking up at the big building in front of us.

"Do you know English?" I asked the front desk man. He looked at me confused for a second and then ran off. Am I a scary dwarf or is he getting someone who knows English? "Am I that scary?" I whispered to Esdrizabeth. She shook her head. "You arent scary at all." She whispered in reply. I glared at her. Soon enough the same man came back with another guy and he was talking to him in German. "Do you speak English sir?" I asked again and the man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes looked at me and smiled politely.

"Yes I do. How can I help you two ladies." I smiled at him and handed him my debit card(credit card? Idk how money works). "I would like to exchange 100 American dollars for 100 in German cash."(AGAIN IVE NEVER LEFT AMERICA SO IDK HOW THIS WORKS OR WHAT THE MONEY IS CALLED) the man nodded and took my card, walking away with it. About 5 minutes later he came back with the cash and my card. He handed over to me and I grabbed it, putting it in my pocket. "Have a good day sir!" I called as Esdrizabeth and I walked out of the bank.

"Well let's go find something to eat." I said to her and we walked down the street.

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