Chapter 43

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(Victoria's POV)

"" I gasped in amazement as I we finally walked up to the Eiffel tower. It was probably 5 pm now and we are finally at the one place I have wanted to be for years. Pretty much all we did the whole day was explore the city and ate the street foods. "Can we go to the top?" I asked Emerson while he looked at me in awe. I had a smile on my face and I held onto his arm practically beghing for us to be able to go. He smiled and finally gave in.

"We're going to the top guys," he took my hand and ran with me to the staircase in one of the.legs of the tower. We walked up the stairs and I just stared at all the amazing lights shining in the tower. "We have to take the elevator now, follow me." We walked to an elevator at the back of the restaurant. A group of about 4 people followed behind us, talking amongst themselves. The elevator ride was quick and once the doors opened I jumped out of the box and ran to the railing. I looked over the field in amazement. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. "The view is the second most beautiful thing here," Emerson whispered. I looked up at him with shock on my face, "what could be more beautiful than this?!" I said a bit to loud. "You."

My eyes went wide and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. He smiled at me and started to lean in. He cupped my cheeks with his warm hands. Was he really doing this? Right here, infront of at least 50 people. He closed his eyes once our lips were about one inch apart. I did too. I felt his lips on mine and it felt as if fireworks were going off in my stomach. I kissed back slightly and it seemed like hours until we finally let go. "Lets go back to the guys." He said as if nothing just happened. My eyes went wide, "how can- what are you...are you serious." I mumbled under my breath. How can ANYONE just ignore what happened literally not even a minute ago? Boys are so goddamn confusing.


"What took you two so long?" Luis asked once we approached the 4 boys. My face went red but you could barely notice from the darkness. "There were at least 50 people on that balcony. We could barely move our heads." Emerson replied smoothly. Luis and Remington eyed him slightly. "Sure.." Remington mumbled, "well lets go, we'll be late to the VIP."

Emerson and I wondered behind a bit just taking in the view of this beautiful city before we had to go back inside that venue. There were very few stars out tonight but they were still noticeable if you looked hard enough. Then out of no where, a shooting star shot through the sky and I gasped stopping in my tracks.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Daniel asked and came jogging over to Emerson and I. "I-I just saw a shooting star.." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He smiled at me and put his arm over my shoulder. "Well you can brag about it at the meet and greet, we gotta hurry up." He smiled and we started walking again.

(A/n: HOLY SHIT! THIS BOOK IS AT OVER 2K READS? HOW? I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD GET THAT MANY VIEWS?! Thank you so goddamn much guys, this means the world to me so thank you.)

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