Chapter 31

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(Victoria's POV)

Remington and I walked out of the bus once we had rehearsal since they wanted me to perform for certain shows so even if I wasn't going to go on stage that very night I would still have practiced for the next time I do. since it was about 12 pm not that many of the fans were here but there were a few lingering around outside the venue. Remington got pictures with some of the fans and some of them even asked if I could have a picture with them, they all were really nice. 

We walked inside the back of the venue and went straight onto the stage since we were going to be rehearsing 2 times, once before the opening acts and once after them. The first one is always longer though since the second one is to really make sure that everything is in a good shape for the performance. Remington and I did some vocal warm ups like he has been teaching me every since yesterday so I can get better control over my vocals.

We practiced the warm ups until everyone was in their places and finised tuning their instruments. Him and I then walked over to the mics and we did a run through of all the songs they would be doing later tonight and once we finished it was time for the opening acts to practice. First it was Dead Posey, then Bones, and last but not least The Haunt.

"Come on Peachy, you know its not like that." I heard Emerson say quite loudly to Shy. I looked slightly around the corner to see what was going on. Yes I know that isnt right but I can't help not being curious! "Well you sure do seem found of this Victoria girl." She snapped back at him. Um, 'this victoria girl'? I am not a 'this' I am a human being with regular human being rights. Its not my fault I act like a fucking alien. Blame my parents for making me like this! "Of course I'm 'found' of her! She's my friend!" Emerson snapped back with a hurt expression. Shy stomped her foot and started walking my way looking pissed off. I quickly ran to Remington and jumped on his back.

"Act natural bitch," I whispered before he could start yelling at me. "Onward stead!" I yelled and he put down his shot and started running around in circles right when Shy turned the corner. She stopped looking shocked and then went back to her pissy mood. "Is that why?" Remington whispered. I nodded slightly and he put me down. I decided i would act like I was 'going to the bathroom' which is near where they were fighting so I could see Emerson.

I walked down the hall to see Emerson sitting on the ground, his head in his arms. I walked faster since I've never seen him like this and it worries me quite a bit even if I kind of know the reason why. "Hey Emmy, you alright?" I asked as I finally reached him. He lifted his head up slightly to look at me and then put it back down. "Whats wrong?" I questioned him again.

"Just leave me alone, Victoria. I dont need your help." Venom sank through every word he said. I felt tears form in my eyes. I whimpered slightly and said, "o-okay. I'll leave then." A few years slipped down my face and I think one fell on his hand because his head shot up and he started to rapidly apologize to me but I was already gone out the back door and through the line of people waiting for Palaye screaming my name or asking if I was alright.

Tears slipped faster and I started running faster and faster with every one of them that escaped my eyes. I'm the main cause of peoples problems. They should have never brought me on this tour with them. Why did I even execpt the inventation if I had a feeling something bad would happen while she was with us. I can be so fucking stupid at times, and this is one of those times.

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt