Chapter 15

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(Victoria's POV)

It was now the day before Palaye and I leave for the rest of the tour. Maddie and Grayson left a few days ago to get back to our hometown and start working at the hospital again. I had been hanging out with the guys less since I had a bunch of things on my mind. They aren't that important but they had been annoying me. The voices are back. I have a form of auditory hallucinations which is to long to explain. Pretty much every now and then I get random voices in my head that tell me to do things I shouldn't. Mainly they tell me to hurt myself, and I listen to them sometimes. That's why I wear a lot of bracelets and usually wear long sleeves.

I take medicine for the voices since when I was younger I used to hear them a lot more than I do now. I know that they are in my head and I'm just hallucinating them but it gets to me sometimes. I usually can ignore them when they come since I had stopped taking the medicine a few years ago since they showed up one day and then didn't come back until well, now. I heard a knock on my door and I slowly got up off of my bed. Opening the door with my head down I noticed the shoes, they were Emerson's.

"Hey Vic. The guys, Shy and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out for a while before we all left for the rest of our headlining tour. Do you want to?" He said in a soft sweet voice. I looked up at him and shook my head yes. I ran back into my room grabbing my phone off its charger and a pair of headphones. I came back to the door and I expected him to already had left but he was still there waiting for me.

I smiled softly and walked up to him poking his side. He smiled his famous smile and grabbed my hand running to the elevator and bringing me down to the lobby where the rest of the group was. He let go of my hand as soon as he saw Shy and jogged over to her, pecking her lips. I sighed and walkwd up to Luis where he just gave me a look of sympathy. I smiled a little at him indicating that I was fine.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking into my cars mirror to the back seat where Luis and Remington sat. Sebastian was in the passengers seat checking his hair in the side view mirror.

"Uhh, to some park. Just follow Emerson in the van," Luis replied and took out his go-pro that he carried almost everywhere. I nodded and backed out of the parking space and followed behind the big tan van infront of us. I pressed the button that puts down the roof of the my car and turned on the radio. I went to the alternative radio station taht was famous for playing more small bands than well known ones. To our surprise You'll Be Fine came on and I started singing the lyrics pretty loud.

"You sound really good," Remington said shock clear in his voice as the song finished. I blushed and lowered the radios volume so I could talk to them without having to shout over the music. "Lets just agree to disagree on that statement," I replied to him in a sly voice. We finally made it to our destination so I put up the hood of my car and got out.

"Bye bye Big Daddy, be safe." I kissed the hood of my car and looked up to see Luis was recording the whole thing. I had wide eyes and then I started to chase after him, screaming for him to delete it. Once I got close enough to him I jumped onto him as he was looking behind him to see if I was gone. He turned and hit his back on the ground and I straddled his lap.

"You better fucking give me that go-pro before I start tickling you," I said in the most serious and deadly voice I could. He just chuckled and soon enough I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was picked up and put over a persons shoulder. I looked at the persons pants and they were red ankle pants, I instantly knew it was Remington. Plus his flat ass gave it away.

"REMINGTON FLAT ASS LEITH KROPP! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" I screamed and started hitting his ass. He just laughed and started running somewhere. I could feel everyone at that parks eyes on us and I just blushed as I gave up trying to make him put me down. Soon enough I feel him set me down on his lap. Then I realised we were on the biggest slide in the park.

"Seriously Remmy," I said and looked up at him with a unamused face. He just nodded with a huge smile on his face. I couldn't not smile at his goofyness. He pushed and soon enough we going down the slide, but near the middle of it we got stuck. I looked up with him, panic forming in my eyes and in his too. Almost as if we had counted in our heads we screamed at the same time. Soon enough Daniel and Sebastian ran over to us and started laughing their asses off.

"Hey! Its not funny. We're stuck!" I yelled at them and they just laughed harder. I crossed my arms across my chest and laid back onto Remingtons chest. "Might as well get comfy," I said and looked up at him with a small smile. He chuckled a little bit but then we heard a camera flash and we looked over to see Luis holding a Polaroid camera. "Oh you better not post this online yoy bitch!" I yelled as I tried to get off Remington but it was no use.

Luis chuckled and took a picture of it on his phone and I'm guessing posting it to his Instagram story. I tried to take my phone out of my pocket and just did barely. "I'm reporting it for harrasment and bullying," I mumbled out loud and heard a couple chuckles from Daniel and Remington.

"Holy shit, Victoria are you okay!?" I heard someone yell, I looked to my right and saw Emerson letting go of Shy's hand and run over to Remington and I. I smiled softly as he finally got here. I sighed and laid back on Remington's chest again.

"Perfectly fine, one of our assets stopped us from moving any farther," I said and cleared my throat loudly so Remington could hear it. "Hey! Its not my fault in thicc," he exclaimed and hit my arm playfully. I smiled up at him and looked over at Emerson. He had some sort of look in his eyes. Is it what I think? No it can't be, he cant be jealous of his brother and I.

Cuts On My Wrist (Emerson Barrett x OC) ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant