Chapter 2

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All the knights were seated at the round table with Arthur standing by his chair, ready to address the knights.

Guinevere in her beautiful red dress was sitting in her seat on Arthurs right and Arianna in her pretty pink dress was sitting on his left, next to Gaius, gazing at all the men in red cloaks sitting at the table and hoped that one day she too would get to wear one as a knight of Camelot. Violet and Merlin were both off to left the side watching while Sefa watched from the right.
As soon as everyone was settled in their seats Arthur began to speak

" Noble knights of Camelot, countrymen, friends. I welcome you to this meeting of the roundtable. For three long years, we have been blessed with peace and prosperity. But now it seems a shadow had been cast across our lands." Arthur said

Aria looked down at her lap, saddened by the thought of her older sister, Morgana.

"Sir Gwaine set off for Ismere, some six weeks ago, with him went threescore of our finest men. There has been no word from them since. At my request, sir Elyan led a search party to the wastelands of the north. He found no trace of Gwaine or his men, it is as if they vanished from the face of the earth" Arthur continued


After the council meeting, Arthur, Gwen, Aria, Gaius, Merlin, Violet and Leon were all in Arthurs chambers discussing a plan of action to rescue Gwaine and the others.

" We know Gwaine and his men crossed the pass here at Isulfor, but beyond that, there was no trace. The trial went cold " Elyan said pointing to a spot on the map on the table.

Arthur looked up from the map and looked at Elyan with concern in his eyes.

" What of the story that the fortress of Ismere has been occupied once more?" Arthur asked gravely

" I heard many rumours, sire. All of them had one name in common- -" Elyan informed the king before Aria spoke up after a while of being quiet

" Morgana," She said with a sad frown

Violet looked at her mistress with sympathy. She knew how much the young princess missed her older sister and wished she would come back and be good again.

Arthur stared up at his sister before looking back at the map on the table.
He to still cared for Morgana but unlike his sister, Arthur had given up hope that Morgana could ever be good again.

" We have no time to lose," He said quickly standing up straight.
Gwen, who looked like she was in deep thought, glanced at her husband before looking to Gaius as he spoke.

" whether the rumours are true, sire, you may be walking into a trap" he warned

" The Knights of Camelot do not abandon their own," Arthur argued

" Morgana knows that. She'll be waiting for you." Gaius warned the king again

"These men have fought for me, bled for me," Arthur argued again

" Might I make a suggestion?" Gwen cut in from being in deep thought.

Everyone's eyes turned towards her as she continued to speak

" what if you were to take a different route?" Gwen suggested

Aria eyes light up as she caught on to Gwen's idea

" Approach Ismere from the west, through Annis' lands, " Aria said pointing to a place on the map. Gwen nodded her head agreeing with her.

" It would certainly take Morgana by surprise," Gaius said

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