TJ's past

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Author's POV

"This pasta is really good, thanks Mom." TJ said before taking another forkful of pasta in his mouth.

The Kippen Family were sitting at the dining table in their kitchen for their first family meal together with TJ.

"You're welcome, TJ." Louise replied with a smile.

"So what did you guy's talk about last night? Any goss I need to know?" She added referring to the sleepover that they had last night and trying to sound cool but miserably failing.

Amber facepalmed while TJ just froze thinking about how last night ended, he didn't know how to feel about it. Cyrus had fallen asleep on his lap in his hoodie and TJ played with his hair. He had no idea what came over him but the weird thing was, Cyrus didn't mind it.

"We just watched 'Love, Simon' and fell asleep. nothing much happened." Amber answered.

"TJ, did you get on with Cyrus and Andi?" Harry asked finally adding to their conversation.

"Y-yeah, they are very nice. Cyrus said that he would show me around town tomorrow if that's okay with you guys?" TJ asked them, hoping they hadn't noticed him stuttering at the start of his sentence.

"Sure that okay with us, right Lou?" Harry questioned, turning to his side to face Louise. She looked in deep thought.

"Lou?" Harry said, this seemed to snap her out of her thoughts.

"Of course you can honey, You seem to be getting on very well with Cyrus." She stated with a smile that meant something that TJ couldn't figure out.

"Yeah, he just understands me and he hasn't judged me once. We are in the same boat for many things so I understand him too, maybe that's why." TJ stopped himself before he started rambling about Cyrus.

"That's nice, how do you relate to him? We're interested." Louise said with that same smile she pulled earlier. Amber looked at her confused and then back at TJ before she dug back into her pasta.

"Well um we're both adopted so we can bond over our experience with that. We both REALLY like chocolate, chocolate chip muffins and we have the same favourite Netflix shows, film series and school subject." TJ replied just going along with the conversation, not completely aware of what Louise was up to. Amber figured out what she was hinting at and attempted to change the subject.

"Did you get on well with Andi?" Amber asked before Louise had the chance to say anything else.

"Yeah, she's really funny and creative. I like that about her, I feel like both her and Cyrus get my sense of humour which Is great. Also Andi has amazing taste in music, One Direction really are still fire even their 1st album I can listen to with out my ears bleeding which is unusual." TJ stated before taking a spoonful of his pasta which left his bowl empty.

"You are so Gay." Amber chuckled.

"So are you." TJ replied truthfully.

"You're not wrong." Amber told him this a smile, TJ sniggered in response.

"That was delicious Mom, may I be excused? I need to take a shower real quick before Amber and I do a High School Musical marathon." TJ asked.

"You may be excused, If you need anything just call us. The towels are in the cabinet under underneath the bathroom sink." Louise spoke with a smile.

"Thanks Mom." TJ said before getting up from the table and making his way upstairs.

He opened the door to his bedroom and shut it behind him before grabbing his phone from his desk and diving onto his bed. He smiled softly when he saw that he had a message from Cyrus.

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